Noom CardioTrainer
Noom Inc.
![]() Grades: Pre-K to 12
Downloads: >250,000
Num. Ratings: 51,318 Free
Comments by Jerome
- 09/03/2011
This is THE BEST cardio app I've ever used. I never have any problems with it crashing. Plus, I've lost 7lbs because of this app. Awesome! Evo
- 09/03/2011
I love it!Works great when I'm doing Tae Bo. Have some trouble with GPS when walking. I like having the history to track my progress.
by Mark
- 09/03/2011
I use this tracking cycling with phone in backpack. Works great
by Headie
- 09/03/2011
This application helps me to keep record of my exercises. I just love it
by Cat
- 09/03/2011
Use this app daily. Bought the pro version just because I felt like developers deserved the money. Such a great app!
by elmo
- 09/02/2011
Useful, very!
by Karen
- 09/02/2011
Great app!!I use it everyday and I love it!! It is easy to use and has great features!
by Jason
- 09/02/2011
Absolutely loves this app!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is so accurate and top notch with its perimeter skills. Perfect, except.... I have the HTC Status. I WANT MORE LANDSCAPE SUPPORT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =)
by Michael
- 09/02/2011
MPMPLove it, works great.
by Darryl
- 09/02/2011
I like it, when it works...
by Debra
- 09/02/2011
Great app! But, why does Noom get top billing?<3 music sync! accurate! facebook posts link for Noom and only icon 4 CardioTrainer? Noom was an add on, my walking is not all about weight loss!
by Angel
- 09/02/2011
Useful tool during exercise and training...
by gregg
- 09/02/2011
Best one I have used. The GPS is not working as well as it used to.
by douglas
- 09/02/2011
Great. Training appGreat app keeps great records of my workouts especially ouside workouts with the gps- used on my epic
by jason
- 09/02/2011
Great AppThis is a great app. Very useful for different cardio routines.
by Yuki
- 09/02/2011
Friend activity not working since JuneFriend activity no longer works. It just shows friend is sharing but no activity logged in last 7 days?
by Oliver
- 09/02/2011
Great app
- 09/02/2011
Cannot uninstall.
by Jo
- 09/01/2011
Can't get to home page so can't track activity! Fix please? 2nd time this happened now..
by Larry
- 09/01/2011
Need correctionLat/long do not change, yet the steps and distance, etc change. What happened with latest update? Brings accuracy into question.
by Kyle
- 09/01/2011
Love it!This app is great, I just wish it was better at estimating calories burned without the heart rate monitor.
by Babytux216
- 09/01/2011
GPS is off. Ran a Half Marathon instead of 13.1 miles it recorded 14.5 miles. Evo 3D
by Ann
- 09/01/2011
Like it, but....I'm having problems publishing to Facebook, and there's definitely something wrong with the GPS, it used to be so accurate......
by Alysha
- 09/01/2011
Great App!
by Michelle
- 09/01/2011
GPS is no longer workingGPS has a very difficult time working now. I used to have no problem until one of the last updates. GPS works fine for other apps. Samsung Charge
by Roger
- 09/01/2011
Great, keeps track of everything.
by Dustin
- 09/01/2011
IUse it everyday for running outside. I love it, it definitely keep me motivated to see my progress.
by Liane
- 09/01/2011
Works greatAdd ZUMBA!
by Erik
- 09/01/2011
Great, use it every day Galaxy S
by Craig
- 09/01/2011
It works, but add...Rock climbing, surfing, stand up paddleboarding & wakeboarding
by Christine
- 09/01/2011
Awesome! Love this app
by jesse
- 09/01/2011
Cardio trainerLove it
by Algeria
- 09/01/2011
Awesome!I love this app! Use it daily everyday!
by Ginger
- 09/01/2011
GPS tracker is always offI use this app on my G2 on a running trail that is marked and the GPS is inconsistent and it is sometimes up to a mile off! Hope you can fix this.
by nick
- 08/31/2011
Almost perfect but...Still can't hear notifications over winamp or stock music app on galaxy s2. Can hear them over integrated music though. Would be 5 star otherwise!
by JJ
- 08/31/2011
Can't uninstall, nice one guys. So annoying!
by mez
- 08/31/2011
Was great ...
by Lisa
- 08/31/2011
GPS doesn't work rightGPS drops signal. Does not record my runs accurately enough. It used to work great .......... nexus one
by Jon
- 08/31/2011
Pretty good although the music integration is a bit glitchy. I'd like to see a "remember start location" capability too since gps takes ages to find.
by E.
- 08/31/2011
Pretty good.
by Chillie
- 08/31/2011
Really awesome app.I've been using this app & it helps alot. Don.t know what I'd do without it..
by Eric
- 08/31/2011
Great appGreat application. I use it every time I exercise.
by Max
- 08/31/2011
A decent app, especially happy with the frequent updates to fix any bugs
by Andy
- 08/31/2011
Accuracy issues have been sorted!! Now its way better than runkeeper!! Faultless on my Desire!
by elizabeth
- 08/31/2011
Tried to install twice, it just shuts my phone off. Samsung Moment
by JLC3
- 08/31/2011
Best workout app.Great app for logging your cardio.
by Joe
- 08/31/2011
Joe MGPS takes forever to load on Samsung Charge. When it works it's great.
by Jacob
- 08/30/2011
Very impressed with this, its really accurate and GPS works fine for me despite what others say :) HTC wildfire
by Matt
- 08/30/2011
InaccurateIt consistently said I was walking 6+ mph and the distance is way off--it said I had gone almost a mile when I had gone little over half mile.
by Lorna
- 08/30/2011
GPS sucksSpotty. When it works, it works well but 50% of the time it gives bad readouts. On a recent run it logged me at 23 miles instead of 8. Epic err