Noom CardioTrainer
Noom Inc.
![]() Grades: Pre-K to 12
Downloads: >250,000
Num. Ratings: 51,318 Free
Comments by Cher'ley
- 02/27/2011
Love this app
by Cindy
- 02/27/2011
Force closing every time, but if I click on "wait," it will eventually work.
by Steve
- 02/27/2011
Great appI'm loving this one, simple to use and works really well with my music player. Only had my SGS for 2 weeks and and I've forgotten all about my Nokia software I used for my training.
by Vanessa
- 02/27/2011
Inaccurate distance.
by Karen
- 02/27/2011
This hasnt updated all week. It comes up that an update is available and its "starting download" but never does
by Lee
- 02/27/2011
Pretty good... I would like to start my week on Sunday though, instead of ending on Monday.
by g
- 02/27/2011
by Sarah
- 02/27/2011
Great app. Tracking history works well. Speed is often incorrect when using GPS.
by Nicole
- 02/27/2011
Downloaded this today while at a carnival just to know how far I have walked. I think I will keep it, it was more than I expected. Epic 3g
by Danny
- 02/27/2011
This is awesome lost 5 pounds in 7 days :) evo
by Kevin
- 02/27/2011
Once so far the GPS wouldn't work but a restart fixed and the music has skipped a few times but other then that great app. Will be buying PRO.
by Hong
- 02/26/2011
This app works so well! I just set the tracking up right before I run, and it works perfectly! I now never run outside without it.
by M
- 02/26/2011
Much more to offer than runkeeper. Awesome!!!
by Tyler
- 02/26/2011
Kilometres and poundsCan you allows users to use kilometres and pounds rather than with kilograms
by Ben
- 02/26/2011
Need integration with heart monitor such as Bluetooth Zephyr product. Otherwise it is a great product
by CrazyAdventuresinParenting
- 02/26/2011
I use this app everyday, I love it! However, lately GPS isnt working. Hope the update I just installed helps.
by Jason
- 02/26/2011
Several issues accurately tracking distance.
by mayuly
- 02/26/2011
Work great for a couple of weeks now it keeps loosing gps signal,music stops after a couple of seconds,it doesnt calculate distance or time correctly
by Ana
- 02/26/2011
I love this app keep the good work.
by Evan
- 02/26/2011
Still a 5 but music does not work on nexus 1 with gingerbread. Fix please.
- 02/26/2011
Very motivational, just wish I could disable the autorun. It stays on all the time.
by Tori
- 02/26/2011
I have not tried any other fitness apps but find this one extremely wonderful for keeping me on track!
by shayna
- 02/25/2011
The best app ever I've lost 5 lbs this week!
by Dan
- 02/25/2011
Best cardiovascular app!
by SharksSoccer
- 02/25/2011
Excellent applicationUpdates are frequent, but generally bring features and bug fixes. I use the app daily, cycling. I've been using it for almost a year, but have taken the time to test drive all of the competition - I keep coming back to Cardio Trainer, nothing out there works as well.
by Grier
- 02/25/2011
Great app, I use it all the time. Thanks!
by Z
- 02/25/2011
I'be been very careful when I install applications on my EVO but installing this app has been great. Definite a 5 star application.
by Sebastiaan
- 02/25/2011
It's working again! Great! This app stimulates the user to exersise more because it lets you know how much calories you have burned. Awsome app!
by Damaine
- 02/25/2011
Can we PLEASE get the ability to have a "Now Playing" option for our music?! Navigating music SUCKS on here.
by froggeh
- 02/25/2011
Really good, would like 24 hr clock and martial arts options for 5 stars
by Gloria
- 02/25/2011
I love this thing!
by Katie
- 02/25/2011
App is great for walking or running.
by Brandon
- 02/25/2011
WOW! Works great!
by Sarah
- 02/24/2011
When audio is working it gives good updates, but it doesn't always work for me.
by Rachel
- 02/24/2011
This app is awesome... No bugs for me. Works great. Stays updated and keeps track of everything you worked hard of. I love it!
by jenny
- 02/24/2011
Keeps reminding me until I do it and keeps track. Great!
by Latosha
- 02/24/2011
Great app :)
by Ally
- 02/24/2011
Great free app, GPS very accurate on Desire HD would be 5 stars if all features were free
by Nikki
- 02/24/2011
This app is better than any of the others I tried for mapping runs. Sometimes the gps isn't very accurate but I expect that is my phone - HTC hero.
by Björn
- 02/24/2011
I like it and use it. Works nice with the widget
by Destiny
- 02/24/2011
Great app.
by Jeff
- 02/24/2011
Good app. But GPS don't work all the time.... Needs a fix please (update)
by slickwillywize
- 02/24/2011
Good cardiovascular features. Wish could save tracks to different file types
by Kristen
- 02/24/2011
Love this. I exercise to it every day.
by Allen
- 02/24/2011
Often, if I wear my phone on my belt, the app goes into suspend mode.
by Stephanie
- 02/24/2011
Wonderful app! I always lost track of how many laps I'd walked. Now I can look at my distance ;-)
by Delinada
- 02/24/2011
Love this app! Thanks for making it available to us.
by rajgene
- 02/24/2011
liked itliked the GPS integration and the facebook upload and of course gmail syncing. drains the battery a bit.
by Danielle
- 02/24/2011
Absolutely love it! Make sure to sync with a Google account to back up your history! I had to restore mine today.
by Big
- 02/24/2011
Works great