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Keywords: Autobiography, Me, Computer drawing, writing
Subject(s): Technology
Grades 1 through 4
School: Norwood Fontbonne Academy, Philadelphia, PA
Planned By: Kristine Kozin
Original Author: Kristine Kozin, Philadelphia
Time: Three 30 minute classes
Topic: Autobiography Level: Second Grade
Location: Computer Lab

Objectives: Students will be able to… write an autobiography
practice typing
draw pictures on the computer

Materials: Teacher: None
Students: None

Procedure: Motivation: Tell the students that today we will begin working on a book called an Autobiography. Ask if the students know what an autobiography is. If a short one is available read to the students.

Sequence: 1) Have the students log onto the computers and open up KidPix.
2) Tell the students that they will be creating seven or eight pages for their book.
3) Tell the students that today they will start with the name page.
4) On the name page they must type, in sentence form their name, age, and what they look like. They are then to draw a picture of themselves. No backgrounds are to be used!
5) On the family page they are to write who is in their family draw a picture of their family.
6) Next is the traditions page. They are to talk about one or two family traditions and draw a picture.
7) Things I like or do well can be made into one or two pages with pictures for each.
8) The last pages are school, friends, and extras. They are to write a sentence for each page and draw a picture.
9) Finally the students will create a cover for their story with a title, their name, their homeroom, and picture.

Closure: When the books are done set aside a class period to read the books aloud.