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"All About Me"

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Keywords: Project, Presentation, Business
Subject(s): Business
Grades 9 through 12
School: Haughton High School, Haughton, LA
Planned By: Brian St Andre
Original Author: Brian St Andre, Haughton
The Learner will create and present a PowerPoint presentation "All About ME"

Slide One--Title Slide
Slide Two-- Introduction @ Least 3 Bullets (with transactions and Animations)
Slide Three-- Insert Clip Art @ Least 3 (with transactions and Animations)
Slide Four-- Insert Pictures from a digital camera @ Least 3 (with transactions and Animations)
Slide Five-- Insert Word Art --words that describes the student @ least three (with transactions and Animations)
Slide Six-- Insert 1min video from the flip camera about themselves (with transactions and Animations)
Slide Seven-- Goals in life--@ least 3 Bullets (with transactions and Animations)
Slide Eight-- Conclusion (with transactions and Animations)

Students will present their presentation to the class. The presentation will last 3-5 minutes.

*** Music can be added to the presentation.
Most students like to talk about their friends and family.
Students will create a vacation PowerPoint in much the same manner.
Materials: Whiteboards, Flip Video, Point and Shoot, Short Throw Projectors, MP3 Players, Tripods, Batteries, CDs and DVDs, Cables, Word Processor, Art Tools, Slideshow, Clip Art, Video Tools