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Physics of the Movies

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Keywords: Physics, Newton, Movie Maker
Subject(s): Video, Science, Physics
Grades 5 through 8
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Digital Citizenship
View Full Text of Standards
School: George Junior High School, Rosenberg, TX
Planned By: Tracey Rich
Original Author: Tracey Rich, Rosenberg
Your assignment today is to use ¡§Movie Maker¡¨ software to create a movie that defines and exemplifies the vocabulary and concepts listed below:

Newton¡¦s 1st Law
Newton¡¦s 2nd Law
Newton¡¦s 3rd LaW
Potential energy
Kinetic energy

1. You must first open the ¡§Movie Maker¡¨ software. Click on the ¡§start¡¨ button and look for it listed under programs.

2. You must create title slides for all of the terms listed above.
„Ï To create a title slide, you click on the ¡§Make Titles or Credits¡¨
„Ï Then click ¡§Add Title at the Beginning of the Movie¡¨
„Ï Type what you want the slide to say (You can also change the font or color, by using the links on the bottom of the text box),
„Ï When you have it the way you want it to look, click ¡§Done, add title to movie.¡¨
„Ï Don¡¦t worry about the order you can always rearrange them later. You should have the term on one slide with another slide following it that has the definition.

3. Use the science dictionaries and your online resources to look up the information.

4. When you have all of the definitions completed, you may look online for pictures to add to your movie. To add the picture:
„Ï When you find an appropriate picture, right click on the picture.
„Ï Select ¡§Save Picture As.¡¨
„Ï Click on the ¡§Desktop¡¨ icon.
„Ï Where it says, ¡§File name,¡¨ type in something about the picture, so you can find it later.
„Ï Go back to ¡§Movie Maker¡¨
„Ï Click on ¡§Import Picture.¡¨
„Ï Click on the ¡§Desktop¡¨ icon again.
„Ï Select the picture you want to upload and click import
„Ï Drag the picture to where you would like it in your presentation.

5. When you have selected all of your pictures, you may add video transitions and effects to your movie. Experiment with them and see which ones you like.

6. When you are completely finished. Submit your assignment.
„Ï Click ¡§Save to My Computer¡¨
„Ï Enter your file name as ¡§Class Period-Name(s).¡¨ For example, if I am in 2nd period and I worked with Joe Smith, my file name would be ¡§2-T.Rich and J.Smith¡¨
„Ï Click ¡§Browse¡¨
„Ï Select ¡§Desktop¡¨
„Ï Click ¡§Next¡¨
„Ï Click ¡§Next¡¨ again, to save your movie at high quality.

7. We will show your movie during our next class period at the ¡§Science Awards!¡¨
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
This could be used to check for understanding in any subject just by changing the required content to be domenstrated.
Having a "screening party" before a test would allow students to see the material over and over again, plus allow them to see how their classmates interpreted the assignment.
Materials: Flip Video, Office Suite, Video Tools