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Video Editing - Welcome Video!

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Keywords: middle school, Video editing
Subject(s): Reading, Writing, Journalism, Technology, Video, Information Skills, English/Language Arts
Grades 6 through 8
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards
School: Henry T Gage Middle School, Huntington Pk, CA
Planned By: Paul Rallion
Original Author: Paul Rallion, Huntington Pk
1. Anticipatory Set
- Focus/Transfer: It used to be that only movie producers could make a professional-looking video. Now, thanks to video-editing software, lucky students can make a professional-looking home video with titles, effects, and transitions. Every year, our school welcomes new 6th grade students. It would be nice to prepare a Welcome Video about our middle school to the incoming 6th graders.
- Objective: Students will learn how to make a video using video-editing software.

2. Instruction
Import your recordings into the video editing software
- To import a movie from your digital camera, plug it in to your computer using the USB cable. Import the video with the command menus and bring it to the timeline.
- Give your video that professional touch by adding titles and transitions to your movie! You can edit your titles in the Viewer.
- Check for understanding: Students will be asked questions as they are making their videos.

3. Guided Practice
- Teacher reviews the steps to make a video.
- Activity: Have students make a practice video, and then work on the project itself. Students follow a checklist for items to include, and then go out to other teachers, counselors, and other out-of-classroom personnel to interview them.

4. Closure
- Students take quiz on video software.
- Students present their video to the target audience.

5. Independent Practice
- Homework: Video Editing
Watch a movie or a TV program and pay special attention to introductory titles, video transitions, effects, and final credits. Write 1 page describing your analysis of this movie or TV program.

Source: My COMPUTeachER, The Computer Book for Everyone. Get your copy at www.PaulRallion.com

Materials: Video Tools, Headsets, Flash Memory Camcorders, Microphones, Short Throw Projectors