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Enhancing a movie with background music

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Keywords: music, film, movie
Subject(s): Grammar, Spelling, English/Language Arts, Information Skills, Music, Animation, Special Needs, Podcasting, Technology, Social Skills, Video, Drama
Grades 9 through 12
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Research and Information Fluency
  • Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
  • Digital Citizenship
  • Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards
School: Peoria Notre Dame High School, Peoria, IL
Planned By: Wendy Strauss
Original Author: Wendy Strauss, Peoria
The class will begin by discussing plot ideas.
They will then use Google Docs to collaboratively create a storyboard for a short film.
The class will break into groups to complete the following:

1. Write an original script for the movie; determine locations for the shoot.

2. Gather or create costumes, set and props.

3. Create music loops in GarageBand or Audacity that could be used for background.

4. Find sound effects that could be used in the movie.

Next, the class will shoot the movie using Flip point and shoot digital cameras. Students will break into groups accordingly:

1. actors
2. film crew
3. film editing crew--using iMovie
4. audio editing crew--using GarageBand
5. final editing crew--audio is imported into iMovie. Audio and video are seamlessly and creatively edited.

When the project is complete, students will collectively (using Google Docs) write a final reflection on the project, including:

Each student's role in the project and their level of participation

Improvements that could have been made in the acting, shooting and editing of the film

Suggestions for improvement in the future

Students will be evaluated as follows:

(Each statement represents a level on the rubric chart, which would not paste here):
Oral/Visual Presentation Project
Music Appreciation

Teacher Name: Topic:
Student Name: _______________________________________ Date___________


CATEGORY 10 A 9 B 8 C 7 D

______ Student is completely prepared and has obviously rehearsed. Student seems prepared but might have needed a bit more rehearsal. The student is somewhat prepared, but it is clear that rehearsal was lacking. Student does not seem at all prepared to record.

______ Shows a full understanding of the project.. Shows a good understanding of the project. Shows a good understanding of parts of the project. Does not seem to understand the project very well.


______ Students put in considerable amount of work/creativity into the projectl, which made the presentation better. Project is presented in an organized manner. Project is adequate. Project lacks student effort.


______ Project is clearly original and unique Project appears to be original and unique, but students probably consulted an idea source. Project appears to have been copied and is probably not students’ own creation Project was clearly copied and clearly not student’s own creation

Score (X 2) =___________________________________

Follow-Up Activities:

Host a "Popcorn and a Movie" fundraiser for the music department.
"Hire Movie Critics" from outside the class to evaluate the project.

Cross-Curriculum Ideas
This project may be used in technology, social studies and drama classes as well.

Follow-Up Activities:

Host a "Popcorn and a Movie" fundraiser for the music department.
"Hire Movie Critics" from outside the class to evaluate the project.
Materials: Camera/Video Accessories, Point and Shoot
Other Items: 2 Flip point and shoot video cameras, $175.00 each, total of $350.00
20 MacBook laptop computers, $1200.00 each, total of $24000.00