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Applied Technology Class, 8th Grade Video Tape Project

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Keywords: Technology, communication
Subject(s): Technology
Grades 6 through 8
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
  • Digital Citizenship
  • Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards
School: Lake Zurich Mid Sch S Campus, Lake Zurich, IL
Planned By: Robert J. Vossel
Original Author: Robert J. Vossel, Lake Zurich
(This is the camcorder project...having/using Flip-Cameras would greatly improve this project.) Names____________________
8thGrade Communication Unit / Video Cassette Project

You and your partners are to produce a five (5) minute video tape. This tape will be produced only in the classroom. You will use the Technology Lab camcorders, and necessary cables. Your finished product must contain:

1.) Two (2) different commercials, each 30 seconds in length. Commercials are to be at the same standards as item # 3 below. You must tell who, what, when, where, and why in your commercial.
2.) One (1) “Breaking News” spot which will end by telling viewers “details of this story will be at the top of the hour.” You will not have time on this project to elaborate on this story.
3.) Three & one half (3˝) minutes of news, weather, sports, or stories. The subject of this news cast may be of your own choosing. Subject matter may not be of an offensive nature to anyone. Subject matter may not be distasteful, harmful, or contain any profane or provocative language or gestures. Studio backdrop broadcasting, on the scene news, interviews, and current topics are recommended.
4.) You will need to assign duties for this project. You will need an anchor person, camera people and reporters. You may wish to have props or dress the part. Be creative and professional.
5.) You are to present your completed tape with a Timing Log. This Log will be typed and timed to the second. The Timing Log will have a cover sheet containing a graphic and the correctly spelled first and last names of the group members.
6.) The “Clap Board” must be visibly used somewhere on the tape.

This project will be graded on:

Strict adherence to the Timing Log:

Quality of Commercials:

Quality of News Segment:

Quality of videoing done:

Smooth synchronization of tape:
Materials: Flip Video, Batteries, Keyboarding