Advertising Literacy/Creating an Anti-Bullying Public Service Announcement Page Views: 1587
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Keywords: Flip Video, Public Service Announcement, Media Literacy, Commercial, Bullying, Bully, PSA |
Subject(s): Video, Technology, Special Needs, Writing, Reading, Information Skills, English/Language Arts, Drama |
Grades 3 through 5 |
NETS-S Standard: - Creativity and Innovation
- Communication and Collaboration
- Research and Information Fluency
- Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
- Digital Citizenship
- Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards |
School: Potter Road Elementary School, Framingham, MA |
Planned By: Jeffrey Weinstein |
Original Author: Jeffrey Weinstein, Framingham |
OBJECTIVES: Students will be able to explain the purpose of advertising and assess the purposes of various ads in the world around them (print, radio, TV, and web).
Students will be able to explain different types of ads.
Students will create an ad for a specific target audience.
Students will be able to explain the differences between an advertisement and a public service announcement
Students will work with a small group to create an anti-bullying PSA video that is one minute long.
MATERIALS: Day 1: Classroom Poster, Glossary (1 per student) /Ads from websites /print/magazines Worksheet 1 (1 per student) Bonus Activity 1 (1 per student HW)
Day 2: Worksheet 2 (1 per student), magazines/newspaper ads)
Day 3: Web worksheet 2
Day 4: Worksheet 3, pens, markers, paper, chart paper
Day 5: Ad Literacy Quiz Worksheet
Day 6: Venn Diagram (1 per student), examples of PSA from internet (bullying, smoking, drug use, healthy eating, etc).
Day 7: Anti bullying PSA video, Bullying PSA handout, pre-assigned groups for work. Materials to project PSAs onto screen.
Day 8: prop materials, art supplies, FLIP cameras
Day 9 and 10: FLIP video cameras, timers, video editing software, laptops
PROCEDURES: Day 1: Ad Awareness: See lesson 1 (separate page) Distribute and review glossary prior to lesson for vocabulary preview. HW: Bonus Activity 1: Finding ads at home
Day 2: Ad Targeting and Techniques: See lesson 2 (separate page) HW Bonus Activity 2
Day 3: Lesson 2A Ad targeting, Messages, Techniques,. And Placement: See lesson 2A (separate handout) HW: Family Activity 1 (Scavenger Hunt)
Day 4: Ad Creation: see Lesson 3: Ad creation- HW Family Activity 2 (Track Your Ads)
Day 5: A Smarter Consumer-see lesson 4 (separate page)
Day 6: Advertising vs. PSA- Using videos of existing Public Service Announcements, show students 3 PSA’s (make sure at least one is for bullying), others may be about smoking, drugs, or healthy eating. Have students work at tables to complete Venn Diagrams comparing and contrasting and an advertisement and a PSA
Day 7: Show bullying PSA again-explain what type of bullying this focuses on. Ask students to brainstorm as a class other types of bullying problems (excessive teasing, racial, exclusion, on the bus, emotional, etc.) Explain to students that they will be writing a one minute PSA with a small group that focuses on one aspect of bullying. Assign groups. Hand out assignment page and review.
Day 8: Script writing, prop creation for anti-bullying PSA
Day 9 and 10: Record PSA’s using FLIP cameras. Edit on laptops using Adobe Premiere Elements.
Day 10: Share PSAs. Project onto screen using laptop/LCD projector
EVALUATION Informal: Students will be evaluated informally by observing their engagement and participation in the 2 separate sections of the assignment (advertising and PSA creation)
Formal: Worksheets will be graded. PSA will be graded as per rubric |