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Science Fiction Animoto

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Keywords: Flip Video, computer, Animoto
Subject(s): Technology, Writing, Reading, English/Language Arts, Spelling, Grammar
Grades 6 through 12
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards
School: Clifford H Smart Middle School, Commerce Twp, MI
Planned By: sheryl stahl
Original Author: sheryl stahl, Commerce Twp
1. Log onto animoto.com/sign_ up.
2. Classroom Code is A4E25lab10 (You MUST put this in for full access)
3. You must choose the full length video, NOT the 30 second one.
4. Your job is to tell the story of the book without giving the ending away to your audience.
5. The first slide must be the cover of the book with the author/title/genre in text.
6. The next series of slides must include 15-20 pictures with enough text to complement your pictures. You need to introduce your characters, mention the setting, include the rising actions and incorporate the climax of the story. *Do not label these parts, just tell the story naturally. These pictures should tell your story. The text should be minimal; you do need enough to tell the story. These pictures and text MUST be in order of the novel. Your job is to make your audience interested in reading your novel.
7. After you complete the task of telling your story, you need to include a book rating and a rationale why. This should be a couple of sentences.
8. Next, you must include a MLA citation of the novel you read. (See MLA Handout)
9. The last slide should be the book cover again (remind your audience).
10. After all images are finished, you need to choose appropriate music that “best represents” your novel. It must fit with your book!
11. After you complete this task, you need to edit and remix it at least three times. Choose your favorite. Think of your first remix as a draft. I want this to be really good, so make sure everything is read-able and easy to understand. Also, make sure you choose the slowest transition. Make sure you choose easy to see backgrounds with easy to see fonts and colors. (I think a black background with white font is the best). Make sure you can READ your text. If I can’t, you will be marked down!
12. If your text is longer than the provided characters in the Text slide, then you must go to publisher, go to blank presentations, and save your text as a JPEG.
13. Be creative and most of all…Have fun!
You can use any genre, we are currently working on Science Fiction.
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
You can use Animoto with any Genre
Materials: Flip Video, Computer Accessories, English/Language Arts