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All About Me Power Point Presentation

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Keywords: PowerPoint, Social Studies, Technology
Subject(s): Art, Social Studies, Technology, Special Needs
Grades 1 through 3
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards
School: Sayre Language Academy, Chicago, IL
Planned By: Faye Berlage
Original Author: Faye Berlage, Chicago
Teacher will introduce the assignment to the students:
•Remind students that they have been using PowerPoint for several class periods
•Refer to their Social Studies unit on Community (specifically places)
-Remind students that they created a self portrait last week in MS Paint which they will insert into the slideshow
•Explain expectations of the assignment

Teacher will demonstrate the following Focus Skills by projecting the teacher screen on student monitors using Insight:
•Opening up the PowerPoint outline file
•Navigating through each slide
•Entering text on a slide
•Inserting images and clipart into slide
•Saving the file

Teacher review and display to the students the following guidelines for the assignment:
PowerPoint presentation must contain the following:
•Title slide with name and self-portrait
•One slide with birthdate, age, and clipart of a birthday cake
•One slide with three or more favorites and clipart
•One slide with list of family members and clipart of family
•One slide with three or more important places in the community

Students will work independantly on this project.
Teacher will move around the computer lab to help students who need assistance with the assignment.

The following modifications will be provided for students with special needs:
•Reduce the amount of text and clipart required for the assignment
The following modifications benefit all students (including the SPED students):
•Clearly model the instructions of the assignment by showing the students (on their screens) the process from start to finish; repeat and reinforce concepts as needed.
•Display guidelines for the assignment on the white board for the entire class period
•Assist all students as needed. (Individualized support). Offer extra time, preferential seating, and peer support.

Cross-Curriculum Ideas
Subject Matter: Social Studies
Third grade students are working on a unit on Community in Social Studies
At the conclusion of the project (2-3 class periods), students will present their slide shows to the class in order to improve their speaking and listening skills.
Materials: Short Throw Projectors, Projector Screens, Keyboards, Mice, Office Suite, Slideshow, Clip Art, Integrating Technology