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Lesson Plan Name Grades
Statistics Newscast in Math Class 6 to 8
(5.0 stars, 2 ratings)
This lesson incorporates video for students to create videos about the statistics data and sports information that have been analyzing.
Stone Soup--More than a Field Trip When it is a Video/Movie P-K to 8
(5.0 stars, 1 ratings)
First grade students use digital storytelling techniques to create movies that extend the learning from field trips.
Stop Cyberbullying Today! 8 to 8
(5.0 stars, 1 ratings)
Eighth grade students in my Computer 8 course will create a 60 second video about how to prevent Cyberbullying.
Stop Motion Animation with Photographs 5 to 12
(5.0 stars, 1 ratings)
Have students move objects in a scene and take a series of photographs that create the illusion of movement of said objects. The students will then put the photos in a video editing program to make a short video of their characters in action.
Stop Motion to Jump Start Thinking! 3 to P-K
(5.0 stars, 5 ratings)
For this project, students will be able to display their knowledge gained from an inquiry project or book reading using the stop motion techniques.
Storm Alert! 2 to 8
(5.0 stars, 2 ratings)
Students create podcasts related to the study of weather in science class or in connection with a storm story in reading class.
Story Development 3 to 12
(5.0 stars, 1 ratings)
This lesson can be used in the initial stages of developing a digital story using media literacy skills taught beforehand.
Story Telling through Photography 4 to 9
(5.0 stars, 1 ratings)
Students will use photographs to form the basis for a narrative story. This is lesson will be part of a series of lessons that will lead to a book of stories and student created images.
Storytelling with a Document Camera 3 to 5
(5.0 stars, 1 ratings)
Students will use the document camera to retell and put on a presentation of a Native American folktale, legend, or story that they read. This project aims to help students practice and enhance their reading fluency, comprehension, and speaking skills, as well as understand Native American history and culture.
Structures and Functions of plants and animals 4 to 4
(5.0 stars, 1 ratings)
This lesson is part of a unit to meet grade 4 Life Science Standards, Structures and Processes. In this lesson, students will conduct research on various animals and or plants to determine what external structures support survival and growth. In addition, students will use technology to publish their findings to a blog and have the ability to comment and respond to other classmate’s blogs, learning from each other’s experiences.
Student Generated Science Digital Presentations 8 to 8
(5.0 stars, 1 ratings)
Students will create Power Point Presentations of various science concepts to present at the end of the year in a student led review for the class.
Student Published Books 5 to 5
Over a period of 4 weeks, students will organize, write, revise, edit and publish 4 chapters of a fictional story.
Student Video Project 9 to 12
(4.5 stars, 2 ratings)
Students will create a monthly video regarding a "hot topic" and broadcast this on YouTube in hopes of learning positive social media skills, researching accurate information, and educating the public on these issues.
Student Voices 6 to 8
(5.0 stars, 1 ratings)
To provide a media where our students are able to create a video that allows them to have a voice about something that they may be passionate about (i.e. sports, reading, family, &academic teams). This will allow our students to have a creative outlet to express themselves in a non-traditional way.
Students Are the Best Teachers 4 to 12
Students will take an active role in the teaching and learning process by creating digital presentations that review basic concepts that are the foundations for all courses. These may include focused mini lessons on such areas as vocabulary, grammar, figures of speech, math problems and concepts, historical events, scientific elements, or technology operations.
Students will FLIP for the News 4 to 12
(5.0 stars, 1 ratings)
Incorporating technology skills with both written and verbal communication skills, students will create news programs to be shared on School Tube.
Subtle Conversations 6 to 12
(5.0 stars, 1 ratings)
Subtle Conversations is design to give 60 students an opportunity to research current events and teen issues. Students will select various news, entertainment, sports, or locate events and teen topics to research and create a weekly talk show. Each group will design a production company to write, video, edit and prepare for broadcast.
Succession in the Classroom 6 to 8
(5.0 stars, 2 ratings)
Students will observe and record with digital cameras the process of succession as it occurs in a 55 gallon tank that the students set up with soil from their own backyards.
Super Hero High P-K to 9
(5.0 stars, 2 ratings)
To make a movie with special needs high school students (students have multiple disabilities) about "Super Heroes." Students will create characters for themselves and decide what "Super Powers," they have and how they would use them.
Super Sleuth K to 5
(5.0 stars, 1 ratings)
Students will explore the Fibonacci numbers in Nature by examining flowers, pine cones, tree trunks in our neighborhood park. They will record their "evidence" in pictures and will create a school wide exhibit.
Switch Zoo/Real or Fake 2 to 4
(5.0 stars, 1 ratings)
This lesson is an introductory lesson to familiarize students with the copy and paste feature on the keyboard. They will also review font and paragraph features of Word. Students will then use a web based program called Switch Zoo to create a fake animal and write “facts” about their animal such as where they live what they eat and how they survive.
Synthesis Essay 11 to 12
(5.0 stars, 2 ratings)
Students will gather information about their topic using reliable websites to justify their position for the paper.
Tablet use in Centers P-K to 9
(5.0 stars, 1 ratings)
Teacher will use a tablet in a center in order to focus student on quick activities centered on one concept. Students will cycle through the 6 centers in groups of 4.
Take a Picture, It will last longer! 3 to 5
Begin a Camera Club after school hours that will enhance learning through cameras and technology. Students should be able to express themselves creatively with technology and gain a curiosity of the world around them through photography.
Taking Elaboration to the Next Level 8 to 12
(5.0 stars, 1 ratings)
Teaching elaboration can become formulaic; this takes the Jane Schaffer Model and adds a twist to incorporate highlighting. This helps a lot with visual and hands-on learners, as well as, special education students.
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