1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | ... 24 | Browse All Lesson Plans |
Lesson Plan Name |
Grades |
A Family History |
9 to 12 |
      (5.0 stars, 4 ratings) The students will create a movie about their family. They will have to use their digital cameras to take pictures of their old family pictures, and new pictures of their actual family. The students will be involved in an activity in which they can work closely with their family and also find more information about their ancestors and to appreciate their ethnic backgrounds. This project introduces students to new vocabulary in Spanish and they will develop their ability to write full sentences in Spanish and make it a fun project by using technology and digital cameras the student can use movie maker and photo story 3 to create a movie of their families. |
A Snap at Geometry |
5 to 6 |
     (4.5 stars, 4 ratings) This project focuses on analyzing objects and discussing their math attributes. After learners explore and build background knowledge about polygons, polyhedrons, and other geometric figures, they will complete a webquest. Students will create, explain, and evaluate their understanding of geometric shapes through activities.
Blogging In Kindergarten! |
K to K |
      (5.0 stars, 3 ratings) All of my 18 Kindergarten children have their own kidblog that they use to record their learning. Kindergarten life is full of day long discoveries and kid blogging is just one of the many ways I am documenting the excitement of the discoveries made. |
I See Lots Of People |
10 to 12 |
Students take pictures of one another in the same space and then use Photoshop to create a "cloned picture" of their friends. I call it "Double Take."
My Altered Life, Exploring Mixed Genre Writing |
9 to 12 |
      (5.0 stars, 1 ratings) The purpose of this project is to present the students with a structured activity in which they are able to develop and enhance their reading fluency and comprehension skills in a fun and creative way. The mode of exploration will be that of mixed genre writing and altered books. |
"A Picture Is Worth A Million Words" |
7 to 8 |
     (4.8 stars, 4 ratings) This project is a photography, poetry, and bookmaking unit utilizing three artists-in-residence who teach photography, poetry, and bookmaking. |
"A Portrait of Success" Elementary Student Portfolio Building |
K to 4 |
Students use digital photography and appropriate software to record their work into a manageable portfolio to document personal progress. |
"Board" Games |
6 to 6 |
     (4.0 stars, 1 ratings) The Teacher will use the Promethean Board to create interest and review for tests in the classroom. The lesson reviewed will be for adjectives. |
"Geotown" Scrapbook |
3 to 5 |
      (5.0 stars, 2 ratings) Students will use digital cameras to take photos of architecture and nature that represent geometric concepts. The photos will be used to create a digital scrapbook for the fictional town of "Geotown". |
"Girls Only" Science Workshop |
2 to 12 |
      (5.0 stars, 4 ratings) This workshop was created to give female students a chance to design and implement both scientific and engineering skills. Female students are sometimes discouraged from entering the fields of science and engineering so we developed this curriculum and hosted an All Girls Science Camp Weekend. |
3 to 5 |
      (5.0 stars, 3 ratings) After the state testing is finished at our school, the students create "Wanted" posters using a digital camera set on sepia. |
"I Believe..." Podcast Style |
10 to 11 |
      (5.0 stars, 1 ratings) Students will read John F Kennedy's speech "I Believe in an America Where the Separation of Church and State is Absolute" and Martin Luther King's speech "I have a Dream." After comparing both speeches students will write their own speech about their personal beliefs, podcast their work and present their speeches to our local veterans at our Veteran's Day Celebration. |
"In the News!" |
2 to 8 |
     (4.7 stars, 3 ratings) A newscast that can be writen, produced and created by elementary or middle school students. Co-Authored with Stacy Bodin |
"Just Playing" Playground Design |
4 to 5 |
      (5.0 stars, 1 ratings) Students will design a playground for our new school. They will measure the area of the proposed space, research pricing and sizes for playground equipment, and create a proposal for donors which will include digital pictures of the proposed area and drawings or digital blueprints of the much-hoped-for playground area. |
"Know Your Rights" Bill of Rights- Stop Motion Video Project |
8 to 8 |
      (5.0 stars, 1 ratings) Students will create a stop-motion video short based on one of the ten amendments in the U.S. Bill of Rights. |
"Teach it to Me"-Seasonal Calendar |
K to 2 |
      (5.0 stars, 3 ratings) Students the use digital technology to pictorially depict weather conditions and environmental changes throughout the months and seasons. Then, they will use photographs to complete a seasonal calendar.
"The ABC's of Sunshine" |
K to 1 |
     (4.3 stars, 3 ratings) Kindergarten students will photograph things around our school. Focus on the ABC's and publish a book for the library. |
"The Five Life Zone Research Project" |
7 to 8 |
      (5.0 stars, 3 ratings) Students in grade 7 and 8 will travel from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania to the Grand Canyon in Williams, Arizona to investigate and measure the soil and water quality (if water can be found) for each of five life zones. The five life zones are the Lower Sonoran or low hot desert; the Upper Sonoran or desert steppe; the Transition or open woodlands; the Canadian or fir forest; and the Hudsonian or spruce forest. This is equivalent to studying the life zones found from Mexico to Canada. The latest technology will be used to complete the field studies and record and communicate their findings. |
"Trend to Try" for Fashion Design |
9 to 12 |
      (5.0 stars, 1 ratings) Students will create a "Trend to Try" moodboard digitally using google draw and then create fashion designs inspired by these trends. |
"White on White" Photography |
9 to 12 |
      (5.0 stars, 2 ratings) Using a variety of selected materials, students will create photographic compositions using white objects against a white background. This unit will emphasize the art elements of line, shape, texture, and value. |
'Student Teaching' |
6 to 6 |
Students teamed up to teach a 20 minute mini-lesson. I used my Flip Video Camera and Tripod to record them. |
(G.I.F) Graphics Integrates Fun |
7 to 8 |
      (5.0 stars, 1 ratings) (G.I.F) Graphics Integrates Fun is a lesson plan that will enhance 7th and 8th grade graphic arts class projects by sharpening the students' kinesthetic graphic design skills through the technology of a Wacom Graphire 3 Classic graphics tablet and digital cameras. It will also instill lifelong learning that is fun while the lessons relate to other subjects. |
1 Picture = 1,000 Adjectives |
6 to 8 |
     (4.0 stars, 2 ratings) When learning parts of speech, my students tend to have a difficult time thinking of powerful, creative adjectives, especially since I have a list of adjectives they are not allowed to use. The students groan when told to look at a thesaurus but having them complete an activity keeps them interested and actually causes them to ask for a thesaurus without being told. |
1st Grade Memories |
1 to 12 |
      (5.0 stars, 1 ratings) Students will make a mini photo album compiled of pictures taken throughout the school year. They will write a caption to go with each picture. |
26 Days/Weeks in Our World Writing Project |
3 to 8 |
      (5.0 stars, 1 ratings) Students will each take one photo during their assigned week on a class digital camera. Students will share there photo and the class will write a descriptive journal entry about what they see in the photo. |