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Lesson Plan Name |
Grades |
La Casa de Mis Sueños/My Dream House |
9 to 12 |
      (5.0 stars, 1 ratings) Students will use present tense conjugation and learn vocabulary that describes a house. Students will create visual representation of their dream house using presentation tool of their choice. Students will “walk us through” their houses in small group presentations (6 students + teacher) while we roll a dice to ask questions about each presentation and providing verbal feedback, all in Spanish.
6 to 1 |
You're my Hero |
3 to 12 |
      (5.0 stars, 1 ratings) Children will create a hero and an arch rival. We use a Manga 8 1/2 heroic proportion guide and discuss complementary colors for costumes. |
"Coming to a Library Near You!" - Book Trailer Grant |
9 to 12 |
      (5.0 stars, 1 ratings) Students will read their chosen books and create book trailers using clip art and sound bites. These book trailers will be played on the district's television channel to share with all students. Book trailers will entice other students to read more books! |
"I am" Identity Oral History Project |
6 to 8 |
      (5.0 stars, 1 ratings) This lesson teaches students the basics of formulating and asking pertinent questions to collect information for an oral history project that involves the use of interviewing family members and using Flip camera technology. |
"Marchen or Sagen" - A Digital Story Telling Experience |
10 to 12 |
      (5.0 stars, 2 ratings) Storytelling is as old as time itself! Every culture that exists or has ever existed had a strong storytelling aspect. Stories are used for entertainment, teaching and passing on knowledge and wisdom. Each of us has a story and it has been said, "We are the stories that we tell about ourselves." |
"The Know Show" (Think: Saturday Night Live meets Bill Nye meets Fifth Grade) |
P-K to 5 |
      (5.0 stars, 4 ratings) My fifth grade students will use video editing software with the flip camera we have in the class to produce 'The Know Show' every other week. The students will write skits, perform songs they pen, display historical reinactements, act in joke segments, and describe scientific drawings all during each15 minute show. |
A Day in the Life |
3 to 5 |
      (5.0 stars, 1 ratings) I have a Flip Video camera, and want to make a documentary about our school day to send to our penpals in Russia. They do not have access to a camera, or funds, so i would like to send them a camera so they can make a documentary for us about a day in a Russian school. |
A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words |
5 to 6 |
      (5.0 stars, 2 ratings) We currently have 7 display televisions on our campus. They run all day with a presentation created by me. The presentation includes quotes, vocabulary words, success stories... Last year was our first year for this project. All presentations were created by me. I would like to expand this to be student created. I would like to teach students how to created the presentations and have the televisions reflect student work rather than be teacher created. |
ABC Book |
1 to 1 |
      (5.0 stars, 1 ratings) Students will take pictures of people, places and objects around the school that begin with letters of the alphabet. |
ABC's and 123's and a Rainbow of Color |
K to 2 |
      (5.0 stars, 1 ratings) To create a digital story with a student with Traumatic Brain Injury so she can learn her letters, colors and numbers. Children with TBI often struggle to learn new concepts so we look for new and unique ways to tap into other areas of the brain for new learning in hopes that the undamaged portions will assist in learning. |
About Me |
9 to 12 |
      (5.0 stars, 1 ratings) Students (who have limited verbal and social skills) will search for pictures on the internet about topics they find interesting. They will type (copy dictated sentences, choose sentences with additional picture cues) 3-10 sentences about their topic and present it to their peers. |
Adapting to Life by the Wild Myakka River |
6 to 9 |
      (5.0 stars, 2 ratings) Students will use digital still and video cameras to capture organisms adaptations to their local environment while on a field trip to Myakka River State Park. Students will then use the captured media to create a digital interactive poster (Prezi) that they will present to the class. |
Adding Creativity to Science Inquiry |
6 to 12 |
      (5.0 stars, 2 ratings) Students create flip videos that enhance scientific investigations performed in class by having students think metacognitively while fusing the fun of creativity with the science of analytical thinking. |
All About Me Powerpoint (An upper grade back to school activity) |
4 to 8 |
      (5.0 stars, 1 ratings) Students will create a PowerPoint that introduces themselves to their classmates and includes personal information (family, likes/dislikes, strengths/weaknesses, friends,etc.) clipart images and scanned photographs. They will present their PowerPoint to classmates and teacher. |
Ambassador (Program Based Learning) |
6 to 12 |
      (5.0 stars, 1 ratings) I assign a country to groups of 2 Principles of Technology students. They become the "Ambassadors" of their countries and must create a brochure in Publishers highlighting the countries, resources, exports, etc. They also create a PowerPoint highlighting the tourism, strengths of the country. They use Microsoft Word to write a letter to the "President" of the country introducing themselves, etc. They are given a budget to prepare a meal that would include items that are traditional favorites from their selected country. They will prepare a spreadsheet with formulas that tracks expenditures, costs, etc. Each group will have an entire class period to present their PBL, and the meal they have prepared in advance, the day of their presentation. |
An Entertaining Assignment |
11 to 12 |
Make a gossip style video about a medieval character and the rules of Courtly Love and Chivalry they have either broken or upheld. Video may be shot using a Flip video camera from the media center and edited using MovieMaker. |
Analyzing and Synthesizing Propaganda Techniques in Film |
9 to 12 |
      (5.0 stars, 1 ratings) Students will analyze the non-verbal techniques used in films that attempt to manipulate audiences through political or commercial propaganda. In teams, students will then create their own videos demonstrating a synthesis of these techniques. |
Ancient Civilizations Podcast |
7 to 7 |
      (5.0 stars, 1 ratings) This lesson is designed as a year ending project encouraging students to creatively demonstrate what they have learned about various civilizations that we studied throughout the year. This is also used as a great review for our final exam. |
Ancient Greece Podcast |
7 to 7 |
      (5.0 stars, 1 ratings) Students will work in groups to create a newscast from Ancient Greece. Each broadcast will include an introduction, a news story about leisure or entertainment |
Animal Ambassadors |
K to 1 |
      (5.0 stars, 2 ratings) My class is starting a year long animal research project. We will be covering all academic subjects throughout the year as we research, read, learn, write, and observe all types of animals and their habitats. |
Annotating and Analyzing Readings with Tablets |
9 to 12 |
      (5.0 stars, 1 ratings) This lesson plan shows how tablets and/or computers with internet access would be used in my ELA classroom to enhance engagement and independence reading and analyzing Common Core texts. |
Antony vs. Brutus |
9 to 12 |
      (5.0 stars, 1 ratings) In groups of four, students will create an advertising campaign based on their given character/speech of Antony or Brutus from Shakespeare's Caesar. Students will use the project as means of debate focusing on the which character should have control of Rome after the death of their former leader, Caesar. |
Apparel Design technology. |
11 to 12 |
      (5.0 stars, 1 ratings) Students in the 11th & 12th grade fashion class will be able to: 1. design a fashion apparel line using the ipad sketch, and textile design soft ware application. |
Art and Life: Where Do We Use Art? |
9 to 12 |
      (5.0 stars, 1 ratings) This lesson increases the relevance of not only art classes, but also all academic disciplines by engaging the students to research how art is used in all aspects of their education and their lives. They will create videos that will collect factual information and visual examples that will educate the viewers on how art is used in a variety of settings and how historical people and socities have depended on the coexistence of art and non art subjects. |