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Here's to Our Heroes - Reading Saves the Day!

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Keywords: Hero, Technology, Interview Research Project, Writing, Photography, Videotaping
Subject(s): Video, Technology, Writing, Reading, Photography, English/Language Arts
Grades 2 through 5
School: Floyd Shelton ES At Crossroads, Dallas, GA
Planned By: Cathy Mattocks
Original Author: Cathy Mattocks, Dallas
Objective: The primary objective of this is to get students to recognize community heroes (doctors, firemen, policemen, military persons, etc.) by interviewing them, videotaping them, photographing them and writing a piece that will be uploaded with the pictures and video to http:..www.myhero.com

Georgia Perfromance Standards include: writing skills at all levels;
ELA1W1, ELA2W1, ELA3W1, ELA4W1, ELA5W1, ELA2W2, ELA2W2, ELA3W2. ELA4W2, ELA5W2. In addition, the students will incorporate National Technology Standards from ITSE in all areas; creativity and innovation, communication and collaboration, research and information fluency, critical thinking, problem solving and decision making, digital citizenship and technology operations and concepts.

Day 1: The media specialist and the classroom teacher will introduce the students to choosing a community hero. The students will brainstorm a list of community heroes as the teacher or media specialist write the various people on the smartboard. Students will then tell what makes these people heroes while it is written on the board next to that person. Students will be instructed to choose a person from the community and come up with questions that they will ask their person as part of their project.
Day 2: Students will come in with the person they have chosen and their questions. The teacher and the media specialist will help students edit and revise their questions prior to the interview.
Day 3, 4, 5: Students will spend time questioning their person. They will also take pictures of them and videotape the person.
Day 6-10: The teacher and the media specialist will assist the student with their project. When the project is finished the media specialist will upload the projects to http://myhero.com

Materials needed: several flip cameras, several digital cameras and USB drives for students to save their work.

I have done this project with students before with 1 flip camera and 1 point and shoot camera, but it takes such a long time when you only have 1 of each camera. Adding more techology would make it possible to do this with many classes in less time.
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
This includes social studies standards about community helpers, reading and writing as well as the technology. It could also be used in other areas; for example; research an animal, photograph the animal, videotape the animal and upload it to the internet.
Read each others' projects at myhero.com

Links: My Hero
Materials: Flip Video, Point and Shoot, Flash/USB Drives, Tripods, Batteries
Other Items: 2 Flip Camera Ultra from Pure Digital, $149.99 each, total of $299.98
4 Nikon Coolpix S570 12MP Digital Camera with 5x Wide Angle Optical Vibration Reduction (VR) Zoom and 2.7-Inch LCD (Black), $109.99 each, total of $439.96
4 Flip video tripod, $14.99 each, total of $59.96
10 Memorex USB 16gb flash drive (Amazon.com), $39.99 each, total of $399.90