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Exploring Macro Photography

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Keywords: photography, macro, still-life, art
Subject(s): Art, Photography
Grades 7 through 8
School: Renton Christian School, Renton, WA
Planned By: Judy Grandstrand
Original Author: Judy Grandstrand, Renton
Students will assemble everyday items and contribute to a team project macro photo. Suggested items: frosted glass, colored vases, flowers, marbles, small colored lights.
Students will discuss 1) what is macro photography? 2) what does the "set" look like at normal focus? 3) what happens if I zoom in half-way? 4) how close can I go?
Students will design a still-life image from the assembled/collected items and shoot the image from several different distances. The last few will be macro or close up photos taken from different angles.
Students will shots of the image at different distances and create a slide show of the image as it changes, eventually becoming almost undistinquishable from the original.
How does the image change? At what point does it begin to look lik e something else? How important is distance and perspective when doing photography?
Materials: Point and Shoot, Digital SLR, Flash/USB Drives, Memory Cards, Authoring and Publishing, Cause and Effect, Hardware Devices