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Aztec and Mayan Archaeological Dig Site Expedition

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Keywords: aztec, mayas, expedition, spanish 3
Subject(s): Art, Video, Technology, Geography, Writing, Information Skills, Photography, Spelling, Grammar, Foreign Language, History
Grades 10 through 12
School: Coventry High School, Akron, OH
Planned By: Rick Glass
Original Author: Rick Glass, Akron
Technology Used: Internet/Wikispaces/Youtube or Teachertube/Digital Cameras/Video Cameras.

Day 1: Students are presented a lecture in Spanish about the Aztecs and Maya cultures.
Day 2: Students learn about the Aztec Calendar. Identifying, coloring and labeling parts of the calendar.
Day 3: Students watch a video about the Maya civilization. Students learn to write their names in Maya.
Day 4: Students are introduced to the project- "Aztec and Maya Archaeological Expedition".
Day 5-10:

Project Details

1. Students work in groups of 3-4. Group selects Aztecs or Mayas. Students create group Wikipage.
2. Each student must research Aztec or Maya artifacts and choose one artifact to recreate and provide information for in Spanish.
3. Groups select an Aztec or Mayan city to research and provide some detail about. City is going to be where they "discover" their artifacts.
4. Students take a group picture in costume(dressed as archaeologists). Picture will go on group Wikipage.
5. Students create a biography about themselves.
6. All information- artifact information, city information, biography, resources, group digital pictures and other pictures are put on group Wikipage.
7. Students video tape their group going on their expedition to "discover" their artifacts. In the video, students talk about the city that they are in and they are filmed discovering each artifact. Students each explain their aritifact.
8. Students can use props such as shovels, paint brushes, book bags, flash lights, etc. to create an authentic feel to video and pictures.
9. All videos are posted to teacher tube or youtube. Link to video is put on Wikipage.
10. Videos and wikipages are presented to the class by each group.
11. Students are tested on Aztec, Mayas and Calendar.
Students love this project and they really get into it. They are engaged not only the culture but in technology too.
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
You can work with the Art Department to create the Aztec and Mayan artifacts. You can teach the art students about Aztec and Mayan art/pottery/jewelry, etc.
Materials: Video Cameras, Flip Video, Camera Bags
Other Items: 8 Flip Video Cameras, $150.00 each, total of $1200.00
8 Camera Bags, $10.00 each, total of $80.00