What Makes a Good City? Page Views: 602
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Keywords: Digital Storytelling, Inquiry, Collaboration, Differentitation, research |
Subject(s): Video, Social Skills, Technology, Geography, Special Needs, Writing, Reading, Information Skills, Photography, Social Studies, English/Language Arts, Civics, History |
Grade 5 |
School: Bishop Woods Elementary School, New Haven, CT |
Planned By: Elizabeth Cietanno |
Original Author: Elizabeth Cietanno, New Haven |
Unit Title The New Haven Community Grade Level 5 Subject Area(s) Social Studies, Reading, Writing, Technology Essential Question(s) What makes a good city?
Curriculum Standards/Frameworks
State Standards: Social Studies 1.4 Demonstrate an understanding of geographical space and place. 1.2 Describe the importance of significant events in local and Connecticut history and their connections to United States history. 1.13 - Understand the characteristics of and interactions among culture, social systems and institutions 2.1 Access and gather information from a variety of primary and secondary sources (maps, charts, graphs, images and print materials). Literacy 1.1 - Students use appropriate strategies before, during and after reading in order to construct meaning 1.2 - Students interpret, analyze and evaluate text in order to extend understanding and appreciation 1.4 - Students communicate with others to create interpretations of written, oral and visual texts. 2.2 - Students explore multiple responses to literature. 3.0 - Students produce written, oral and visual texts to express, develop and substantiate ideas and experiences. 4.3 - Students use Standard English for composing and revising written text.
New Haven Standards Social Studies Power Strand 1 - Rights and Responsibilities of Citizens Power Strand 2 Historical Thinking Power Strand 3 Places and Regions Power Strand 5 Applying History Technology Locate and validate information on the internet Scan materials, such as photos, to incorporate into reports Use knowledge of print and non-print media to create persuasive presentation Literacy Students will use rubrics to reflect on writing. Students will use a variety of graphic organizers to plan their ideas. Students will communicate in complete and clear sentences on a specific topic. Students will include elaboration using FEED strategies (facts, experiences, examples and details).
Assessment Collaboration Rubrics Inquiry Project Rubric Inquiry Presentation Rubric Evaluation of Research Notebooks Digital Story Evaluation Interview Summaries Final Inquiry Projects New Haven Fact Files Map Skills Booklet Digital Story
Performance Tasks: Present The City of New Haven A Living Museum Approximate Time Needed 10 weeks : March 16-27 - Weeks 1 and 2 Immersion Phase March 30 April 1 - Week 3 Survey Results and Inquiry Groupings April 5- 9 - Week 4 Group Building and Project Planning April 12 16 - Week 5 Planning and Investigating April 26 May 7 - Weeks 6 and 7 Investigating and Collecting May 10 14 - Week 8 Implementation Phase - Critical Inquiry Projects May 17 21 - Week 9 Implementation Phase - Critical Inquiry Projects Week 10 Presentation of Inquiry Learning Prerequisite Skills: -The Immersion Phase will include building schema/background knowledge and interest about the city of New Haven. The New Haven Register will be read each day in a Morning/Afternoon Cafι. Students will identify and discuss major news events pertaining to the city of New Haven.
-Visit and identify important features of the City of New Haven Website http://www.cityofnewhaven.com/
What makes a good city? Immersion Phase: Expose students to as much information as possible regarding the city of New Haven paying particular attention to: -government -history - business - community service - arts and events - kids in New Haven
What are your opinions about city life? Complete opinionairre and discuss. Notice trends and debate responses. If possible, use Quizdom to chart responses
What are you curious about? Create Wonder Lists: In small groups, list questions they have about the city of New Haven. Are the questions literal or deep? Where is New Haven located? Use Google Earth to locate New Haven http://earth.google.com
What does my inner voice tell me? Monitor Comprehension Stop, Think, and React -Comprehension Toolkit-Comprehension and Collaboration p 123
What makes a team/group work? Create group rules and procedures Identify skills needed for small group discussion Comprehension and Collaboration p 128,130
Whats the plan? Identify a final project idea Comprehension and Collaboration p 129
How can we stay organized? Create Research Notebooks Comprehension and Collaboration p135
Whats the point of note taking? Read with a question in mind Comprehension and Collaboration p123
How can we organize our findings? Create Question Webs Comprehension and Collaboration p139
Is all information reliable? Evaluate internet resources Comprehension and Collaboration p138
Do you get the gist of it? Synthesize Information Comprehension and Collaboration p125
What makes a great interviewer? Practice and demonstrate an interview Comprehension and Collaboration p140-141
Why is it important to create meaningful question? Compose meaningful interview questions Questions developed What is the importance of writing Thank You letters? Write letters of thanks to interviewee What are different ways to tell a story? I ntroduction to Digital Storytelling Microsoft Photostory 3
How do we organize our story? Storyboarding: How we organize our thoughts Meet with small group to plan and develop Photostory 3 Digital Story Monitor story development, provide feedback, assign roles if necessary conferencing Presentation of Learning New Haven - A Great City