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The Flip Camera Diaries; My World

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Keywords: Flip Video, Personal Essay, Documentary, video production
Subject(s): Art, Video, Technology, Writing, Music, Reading, Information Skills, Photography, English/Language Arts, Spelling, Grammar, Journalism, Drama, Math, History
Grades 9 through 12
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Research and Information Fluency
  • Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
  • Digital Citizenship
  • Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards
School: Creative & Performing Arts, Philadelphia, PA
Planned By: Scott Kaufman
Original Author: Scott Kaufman,
Project/Lesson Title: The Flip Cam Diaries: My World
Grades 9-12
Date prepared: 3-1-11
Instructor: Scott E. Kaufman
The Philadelphia High School for the Creative & Performing Arts
Course: Multi-Media, Video and Film Production

1.6, 1.7, 1.8, 1.9, 2.3, 2.5, 2.6, 8.1, 9.1, 13.1

Using a Flip Camera, an interview worksheet and video editing software, students will be able to create a 5-minute (maximum) personal essay/documentary video that focuses on the concept, “My World.” Students will be able to conduct interviews of themselves, friends and family members. They will need to utilize their prior knowledge of photography and/or videography, and editing techniques. Students will use an interview worksheet, assignment guidelines and a grading rubric to guide their work.

Students in this class are here to study various aspects of multi-media, video and film production. The challenge will be to “tell a compelling story” trough the use of a consumer video camera, like the Flip.
Additionally, students will explore questions about themselves and the world round them. For example; What can make you happy in life? What is your family history? Who are the people that surround you and support you? What are your plans for the future? What makes you a good person?

1. Students have knowledge of the basic rules in photo/video shot composition
2. Students have knowledge of the MAC operating system
3. Students have knowledge of iMovie or Final Cut Pro (separate lesson if required)
4. Students bring previous experiences viewing TV shows and films

Teacher will need to create his own flip cam video documentary or find a suitable example of a documentary for the students to observe. (Fair use in education practices will be observed if copyrighted material will be screened.)

10 Flip Cameras
10 Flip camera tripods
MAC computer with video editing software and DVD burning capability
Blank DVD-R’s
Video projection system to view examples and finished student work
Interview worksheet
Assignment guidelines
Grading rubric

Ice Breaker: Back to front
Teacher will screen an example of the type of documentary the students will need to make.
Teacher will hand out and discuss assignment guidelines and grading rubric

Exercise, 20 minutes
Students will practice using the flip camera, interviewing techniques and talking to the camera. Five sample questions will be provided to the class. The class will break off into pairs. Each pair will receive one flip camera. Each partner will take turns operating the camera while asking questions to the other.

Using the audio/video cable provided with the flip camera, students will be able to share their UNEDITED short informal interviews with the class. The class will constructively critique the videos in terms of shot composition, overall sound and picture quality, and level of comfort in front of and behind the camera.

Students will view a full-length documentary. They will be able to analyze how to construct and tell a story through the use of interviews. They will observe what
“b-roll” shots are, and how they are used. Students will observe how to shoot a professional looking interview. Students will identify the use of “lower thirds” graphics.

Teacher will provide students with an interview question worksheet. Students will need to use these questions when conducting interviews.
Students will have one weekend to shoot up to 1 hour of footage with their Flip Cam.
Parents will need to sign a permission slip for students to take home camera covering loss or damage. Special accommodations will be made for student if parent is not comfortable with this.

Prior to editing, students will evaluate their RAW FOOTAGE and use INSPIRATION to create bubble flow chart outlining the timeline and sequence of their movie.
Students will have one week to edit footage into a 5-minute movie. They will be able to add sound, original music, and titles.
Teacher will meet with students and monitor progress as needed.

Students will burn their finished project to a DVD using iDVD. (Separate lesson required)

Class screening, critique and grading

Students with special needs will be able to work collaboratively with peers at specified times to help learn concepts. Visual aides are used in conjunction with reading material and classroom discussions to gain understanding of concepts. Extended time will be provided as needed. One to one (teacher to student) instruction can be provided in class during workshop times as needed.

Did the students make a professional looking and entertaining product?
Were the preceding learning activates present in the final product?
Was the student able to create the movie in the given timeline?
Was the student able to create the movie using all the given materials, equipment and criteria?
Are these skills that the students can use in other classrooms and in real-life?
What value did the students get from this exercise?
This is a non-biased project that any race, gender, or economic status can participate in equally while gaining an understanding and appreciation for others.
This is a non-biased project that any race, gender, or economic status can participate in equally while gaining an understanding and appreciation for others. This should be a fun and inspirational project that will allow students to look at themselves, see what is good about them and inspire others to be good too.
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
Teachers can use this lesson plan as a template for students to create flip videos on science projects, history documentaries, how-to videos, physical education exercise videos, or English book reviews.
Flip camera are a great way to introduce young people to the world of multi-media and video production. Students can create Public Service Announcements to be played on our district cable access channel. Students can create commercials and learn about , consumerism, business and advertising. Students can create political campaign videos for our school student council and mock presidential campaign.
Materials: Whiteboards, Flip Video, Short Throw Projectors, Televisions, DVD/VCR Players, Video Tools, Flash/USB Drives, Tripods, CDs and DVDs, Word Processor, Inspiration, Web Page, Pro Composition, Early Composition, Midi Instruments
Other Items: 10 Flip camera tripods, $9.95 each, total of $99.50