The "FLIP IT" Experience Page Views: 3063
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Keywords: photography, Business, Journalism, Yearbook, Digital, Video, Camera, Graphics, Multimedia, Social, Information, Communication, computers, real life |
Subject(s): Service Learning, Photography, Business, Information Skills, Technology, Social Skills, Video, Journalism |
Grades 9 through 12 |
NETS-S Standard: - Creativity and Innovation
- Communication and Collaboration
- Research and Information Fluency
- Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
- Digital Citizenship
- Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards |
School: Ludington High School, Ludington, MI |
Planned By: Melanie Tomaski |
Original Author: Melanie Tomaski, Ludington |
LESSON OBJECTIVE: Memories Never Die, they just fade away…..
High school students enjoy using their cell phones to take pictures of their friends and sharing with others. Asking them to write nonfiction, take pictures of other classmates, or attend an athletic event is another story. This is about breaking social and technological barriers, getting the story, having fun, and preserving those memories!
As yearbook adviser, I have learned so much more about our school's activities through the investigative reporting by our yearbook staff members. Our goal is to preserve those memories, and to share them with our student and family population, as much as possible in a manner that comes to life each time those pages are turned. Technology is the format that allows students to develop the product for illustrating and preserving those memories.
LESSON PLAN: There are several parts to this lesson plan. Each part expands on the next, yet each part is flexible depending on time and resources available for the class.
RATIONALE: The name, “FLIP” video is ideal for introducing a common activity for a different approach to accomplishing our goal: breaking through social barriers, and acquiring visual footage to use for capturing those memories.
Set the stage. Out loud, drop keyword phrases like, “FLIP” it up; “FLIP” it down; “FLIP” it all around! Play an upbeat GarageBand mix; rapping different versions of the phrase “FLIP IT”; played repeatedly to pump up the students. If students think you’ve lost it with your enthusiasm, then you’ve succeeded in peaking their interest, and giving you the green light to go further.
Hold up a "FLIP" video camera. Allow students to ask the questions, and wait for them. Pull the information out, using a charades gesture requiring them to go further until you’ve pulled all the information and guesses that you can. Drop the keyword phrases again (“FLIP” it up; “FLIP” it down; “FLIP” it all around).
PROVIDE STUDENTS WITH PRELIMINARY INSTRUCTIONS: *allow the students to take a few minutes to investigate the “FLIP” video camera, and to play around with it. *direct students to talk with their neighbor and “FLIP” that experience. After about 10 minutes, *give students about fifteen minutes to walk around the school and “FLIP” their classmates! Suggested areas of the building would be the cafeteria, lobby, library, and office areas (do not interrupt classes) for recording. *“FLIP” at least three different student conversations or scenes and return to class. *download video to a central location that all students can access. *provide your students with the directions to their next challenge (assignment), before you loose them into their library of video clips.
Stop here, OR continue the “FLIP IT” experience.
Provide students with project instructions: Their mission is to create an awareness of the significance the yearbook is to students, and to instill an urgency to assist in its development, and financial support to produce. *create a commercial competition. *using the video clip library, draft and edit the footage into a storyboard. Remember, it’s not just any yearbook, it’s THEIR YEARBOOK, a book of memories, the only book especially made for 2011! *use iMovie for editing the video. PowerPoint, GarageBand and other apps may be available for supplementing components into the final product. *capture still clips from the video for use in the yearbook pages. *one approach…create commercial from video clips in the library, or another approach would be to use a combination of clips from their video library in combination with new clips. You’ll know which approach to use with each class.
Provide higher-level assessment and reinforcement opportunities:
1. SCHOOL-WIDE COMPETITION: *hold an internal competition in the class. Allow students to select the top three commercials to be broadcast during school announcements, and in the school store during lunch-time, for the student body to view. *Use GoogleDocs to hold an online election allowing the student body to vote for their favorite commercial. *Use School Website to post these announcements, still clips and videos (pending permission).
2. GET THE STORY: *continue to capture the “FLIP IT” experience as this promotional campaign unfolds, inspiring ideas for the next project.
3. “FLIP IT” HIGHLIGHTS: *interest in broadcasting, photography, cinematography, and web careers may increase to build and support future course studies. *consider working with your local newspaper or broadcasting agencies. *select different video clips to show as weekly or monthly “FLIP IT” highlights.
FINAL NOTE: Now that the student body is part of the “FLIP IT” experience, continue to capture these precious moments on a regular basis, but above all….. PRESERVE THOSE MEMORIES!