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Summer Broadcast Camp - Weekly Video News Magazine "Lander Live"

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Keywords: Broadcasting, Media, Journalism, Visual Arts, Video Production, Technology
Subject(s): Journalism, Science, Photography, Information Skills, Writing, Podcasting, Technology, Video, Art
Grades 2 through 12
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Research and Information Fluency
  • Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
  • Digital Citizenship
  • Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards
School: First Presbyterian School, Hinesville, GA
Planned By: Maria Reed
Original Author: Maria Reed, Hinesville
Broadcast Media Camp
Weekly Video News Magazine

Level(s): Grades 2nd-12th

The Summer Broadcast Media Camp gives students a voice in their local community. Each week of the summer program tudents will produce a 5 minute Video News Magazine that highlights exploratory camps, such as rocket development, the Cupcake Cooking Challenge, 3D avatar creation, and the Recycled Materials Project Runway Challenge. The goal is to create awareness and engage the local community about youth summer camp diversity. Each camp has a grand finale showcasing the students work and invites local industry professionals to judge the student’s creations. Working in groups of 5-6 students, they will learn the process of creating a media broadcast, from formulating their concepts, developing scripts, interviewing techniques, live action filming, to editing the final project, as well as integrate still images and graphic elements. They will study other news magazines and learn how to compose a shot, conduct an interview, and create a Video/Audio 2 column script format. They will develop an understanding of production strategies, such as location scouting, production coordinating, and deadline management.


Students will:
• Understand the dynamic nature of creating a video news magazine
• Develop critical thinking skills to create their story and research their topics
• Use correct production techniques to create their news segments
• Learn technical terminology used in the broadcast industry
• Understand the various stages and responsibilities in the production process
• Learn to use various camera and sound equipment
• Learn to use Tool Factory Movie Maker software

Preparation and Materials
• A prerecorded video news magazine
• 2 digital still camera
• 4 video cameras (i.e. Flip)
• 2 tripods for the cameras.
• Tool Factory Movie Maker Suite

Course Outline
• Learn news gathering/journalism concepts and form teams (Crew) - 1 day
• Create concept/segment - research/write Video/Audio 2 column script - Location Scout - 1 day
• Filming - 2 days per team
• Edit footage, design graphic elements, select music bed, and audio mix
Show edited piece - 1 day


Day One
• Students will watch a pre-selected clip from a Video News Magazine
• Engage students in the understanding of each crew member’s functions and
• Explain the filmmaking process and develop awareness of proper camera
angles and composition.
• Ask students how they visualize their project. Work with still cameras to
compose shots and plan the flow of their piece, then layout still images in
Tool Factory Movie Maker Suite to develop a digital storyboard.
• Choose student volunteers to act as an interview subject, journalist and
camera operator. This allows each student to become familiar with their on-
camera presence, interviewing techniques and video camera operation.
Connect video camera to computer, import footage and playback material.
• Propose questions to students:
Are the interview subjects clear and visible?
Were the camera movements fluid or choppy?
Was the frame composition left, center, or right frame and why was it shot
that way?
Was there overlap in the audio between interview subject and journalist?
What can we do to correct these problems and improve the overall piece?

Day Two
Create Video News Magazine segments. Segment ideas:
• A kids perspective on rocket development
• Local bakery takes on 4th grade cupcake makers
• Reuse, repurpose, reinvent – fashion formed by kids
• This is my avatar, a healthy self- image awareness
We will divide the class into teams of 5-6 students and ask them to choose
a camp segment. They will need time to work together to choose their topic
and “angle” for their segment. They will brainstorm to come up with ideas
for segment concept, and begin researching their topic. Students will learn
how to develop a Video/Audio 2 column script.

Video Audio
1. Wide Shot playground
2. Medium Shot of kid with a rocket
3. Close up rocket
4. Wide Shot of rocket launch •Anncr. V/O This is place
that is familiar. This experiment is
•Inspirational music bed
•Rocket launch sfx

1. Medium shot interview of rocket
2. Close up shot of kid working on
rocket creation
3. Wide shot science lab
4. Medium shot campers working on
rockets •Kid: Rocket camp is where I can be
myself and see my dreams come
•V/O kid: I went to a space center
when I was younger and realized
that I wanted to make rockets
and send them to space.

This is a sample Video/Audio 2 column script that that separates the video and audio portions of the broadcast. Students must complete this section before filming can begin.
• Students will begin the production coordinating phase of the project. They
will need to set-up interview times, and coordinate production schedule.
They will scout the locations to look for camera placement and equipment
needs. Any additional research and script writing will also take place this day.

Day Three-Day Four
• Students will have their Video/Audio 2 column script, and shooting schedule
approved and sign up for camera check out.
• As students complete their first day of filming, they will need to download
the footage from their cameras to a hard drive, so they can view the
material. This will allow them to see their mistakes and what they need to
do on the next shoot day.

Day Five
• Once all the footage has been shot students will import the scenes into Tool
Factory Movie Maker Suite and begin the editing process. Music will play a
crucial role in how the piece impacts the viewers. We will take some time to
choose the music that sets the right tone for each segment. Editing a 5
minute News Magazine can take 6-8 hours. Students will take turns
reviewing the material and making the scene selections and be encouraged
to use transitions and graphics to help tell the story. The editing is where
the students will have the opportunity to layer images and add effects to
make the film come alive and touch the viewer.

Once the edit is complete, I will show the News piece on the TV so that the
entire class can get the full impact of the story from being to end.

Teams will receive grades on their completed Video-Audio 2 column script, participation in the group and the final edited piece.

Bringing broadcast-video media to our school is my dream. We have had no broadcast program to date, and with this grant we will make a difference in the education of our children with a much needed technology base. We recently registered our network on schooltube.com "Lander Live" and will continue a broadcast program in the upcoming 2011-2012 school year.
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
Kindergarten-1st grade will create podcasts of Acrostic poems in Language Arts.
2nd-6th grade will integrate digital media into Social Studies by creating projects with still images, text graphics and voice recordings to enhance historical reports.
7th-12th grade will create a short film about how Teenagers view their body image for Health and Science.
We are developing a broadcast and film curriculm to offer all students grades K-12 for the upcoming 2011-2012 school year. We will have a morning annoucements news cast, podcast and film making program.
Materials: Sound Libraries, Early Composition, Pro Composition, Video Tools, Podcasting, Tripods, Hard Drives, Microphones, Digital SLR, Point and Shoot, Flip Video, Hi-Def Camcorder
Other Items: 4 Flip Video Camera, $99.00 each, total of $396.00
1 Tripod, $39.00 each, total of $39.00
2 Canon power shot, $98.00 each, total of $196.00
1 Canon Vixia HF M400, $699.00 each, total of $699.00
1 Canon Rebel T2i, $899.00 each, total of $899.00
2 SDW 150 Digital Wireless, $60.00 each, total of $120.00
1 Tool Factory Media suite Lic, $1999.00 each, total of $1999.00
2 G-Raid TerraByte hardrives, $250.00 each, total of $500.00