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Greek Theater Masks

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Keywords: mask making, Greek Theater, English, Art
Subject(s): Art, Technology, Writing, Reading, Photography, English/Language Arts, Spelling, Grammar
Grades 9 through 12
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Research and Information Fluency
  • Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
  • Digital Citizenship
  • Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards
School: Southeastern Alternative Sch, Midland, VA
Planned By: Lara Kolb
Original Author: Lara Kolb, Midland
This lesson plan is a collaborative effort between Art and Language Arts.
Students will explain the concept of Greek Theater and costuming by designing and creating authentic Greek theater masks.
Students will be introduced to Antigone, a greek tragedy written by Sophocles, in the tradition of human tragedy, tragic hero, and choral readings.
Students will particiapte in an activity that involves researching Sophocles, Greek tragedy, Greek theater costuming, and new vocabulary associated with Greek Literature.
Based on students' research, students will design and create an authentic Greek theater mask to be displayed in the front hallway of the school.

Students will use the following material to create the mask:
-computers for research
-digital cameras for recording the various stages of mask making
-plaster of paris strips
-saran wrap
-acrylic paint
-cotton batting
-hot glue
Reading Antigone, watching the 1962 version of Antigone, then creating a prospectus for a movie complany an making a new version, staying tru to Greek theater.
Materials: Flip Video, Art Tools, English/Language Arts, Reading, Literacy, Writing
Other Items: 4 celluclay, $49.95 each, total of $199.80
10 plasater of paris strips, $11.95 each, total of $119.50
1 saran wrap, $2.99 each, total of $2.99
6 acrylic paint, $1.99 each, total of $11.94
1 cotton batting, $5.99 each, total of $5.99
1 yarn, $3.99 each, total of $3.99
10 hot glue, $2.99 each, total of $29.90