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Music Video

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Keywords: Music, video, singing, storytelling, language arts
Subject(s): Art, Video, Social Skills, Technology, Podcasting, Music, Information Skills, Photography, English/Language Arts, Journalism, Drama
Grade P-K
School: John Newbery Elem School, Wenatchee, WA
Planned By: Theresa Ogan
Original Author: Shannon Massey, Minot AFB
Music Video Project:
Time: 2 to 3 weeks of 45 min. per day.
Music Standards Covered:
8.1.1 Sing accurately and with good breath control throughout their singing ranges,
alone and in small and large groups.
8.1.2 Sing with expression* and technical accuracy* a repertoire of vocal literature.
8.1.3 Sing music representing diverse genres* and cultures.
8.6.1 Understand appropriate terminology to describe specific music events.
8.8.1 Know how relationships expressed through music can be expressed differently
through other art disciplines.
8.8.2 Know how principles and concepts of other disciplines are related to those of
8.9.3 Know the functions of music, the roles of musicians, and the conditions of


1. Students choose songs from the decades of American music from 1950 to today that we've sung in class. The song must tell a story, or support a story made up to go along with the music.
2. They import the karaoke version of the song into Garage band on a track, and create a new track for their voice.
3. They record their vocal parts, and add effects, edit, and mix, just like a real music recording technician would.
4. Students write a proposal to the teacher with group name, song title and artist, and the libretto of the story. They also include a list of any props or special costumes they'd need. They also decide who will shoot the video, who will play each character, and if they need any "outside" people for scenes.
5. After it's approved, students use a story-board (pre-printed hand-outs from me) to account for each lyric and video scene that will be included in their video. The storyboard is usually about ten pages in length.
6. Students use colored pencils to color the squares of the storyboard according to location of the scene. For example: all the scenes shot in the office will be yellow, all the scenes shot in the kitchen will be blue.
7. Students plan, on a calendar, when to shoot the scenes. The calendar includes a place for them to include props needed for each day, and any pre-arranged planning that needs to take place. (if they need a teacher to be in the shot, they ask them the day prior to shooting)
8. Students shoot video footage according to their calendar plan and cross off the squares on the storyboard as they are shot. They do 3 "takes" of each shot in case one doesn't look good.
9. Students use the last day to wrap up any un-shot video.
10. Students import video to imovie.
11. Students import the song to imovie, and edit and synchronize their video to go along with it.
12. Students convert their movie to a quick-time file.
13. Students present their video and create a DVD of their video.
My computer wouldn't let me use the ctrl button to select more...
We need hard drives, computers, video cameras or still cameras. One student even used his phone to record the video. Also for software: imovie, itunes, garageband
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
Language Arts, Dance
Show videos to student body, or have DVDs in library available for check-out.
Materials: Flip Video, CDs and DVDs