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Adding Pictures to Text

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Keywords: word processing, text-wrapping
Subject(s): Reading, Foreign Language, Earth Science, History, Writing, Life Science, Science, Grammar, Chemistry, Geography, Technology, Spelling, Social Studies, Photography, Biology, Information Skills, Physics, English/Language Arts
Grades 4 through 12
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Research and Information Fluency
  • Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards
School: Henry T Gage Middle School, Huntington Pk, CA
Planned By: Paul Rallion
Original Author: Paul Rallion, Huntington Pk
1. Anticipatory Set
- Focus/Transfer: Adding pictures to text really add power to your typing. Remember the old saying: “A picture is worth a thousand words.” You can add clip art, or your own drawings or pictures to your text. You will learn how to position your text so that it flows well with your text.
- Objective: Students will learn how to add pictures to text in a word processor, namely Microsoft© Word, and how to use the formatting tools.

2. Instruction
Objective: You will learn how to add a picture to a text document, and how to wrap a picture with text using Appleworks: Word Processing.

Adding Pictures To Text
- You can add pictures to text (such as clip art, or your own drawings or pictures!) so they move along with your text. You can also add pictures and wrap them with text.

Adding Pictures To Move Along With Text
- To add a picture to your document go to Insert – Picture – Clip Art or From File. Another way to add a picture is to select (or highlight) the picture and go to the Edit menu and choose “Copy” from your painting program. Place the insertion point in the text, and then go to the Edit menu and choose “Paste.”

Adding Pictures So That Text Wraps Them
- To add a picture so that the text wraps it, go to Insert – Picture – Clip Art or From File. Another way to insert a picture is to go to a drawing or painting program and go to Edit and choose “Copy”. Now go back to the word processor file and go to the Edit menu and choose “Paste”. Double-click on the picture, click on the “Layout” Tab, and select “Tight”.

Are there different kinds of Text Wrap?
- Yes, there is regular text wrap, and irregular text wrap.
- Irregular (Tight) Text Wrap will wrap the text according to the shape of the image. Please refer to the picture from the previous paragraph.
- Regular Text Wrap will wrap the text around an imaginary “square” formed by the picture. In this case you would double-click on the picture, click on the “Layout” Tab, and select “Square.” Can you tell the difference in text-wrapping?

- Check for understanding: Students will be asked questions:
- Why is it useful to add pictures to text? (because pictures make text more interesting, and add meaning to the text).
- What are the different kinds of picture text wrap? (one that makes pictures move along with text, one that wraps the picture according to the picture’s silhouette, and one that draws an imaginary square around the picture).
- Why isn’t adding pictures that move along with text very efficient? (because that kind of format wastes a lot of space).

3. Guided Practice
- Teacher reviews the ways to add pictures to text so that text wraps the picture.
- Activity: Have students type: be creative with the acitivities to be done!

4. Closure
- Students take quiz on adding pictures to text.

5. Independent Practice
- Homework: Students type a report about any topic of their choice, or a report from another class.

Source: My COMPUTeachER, The Computer Book for Everyone. Get your copy at PaulRallion.com

Materials: Word Processor, Printers