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Make a Memory with Movie Maker

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Keywords: Special Education, Photography, Audio Recording, Book Making, Story Telling
Subject(s): English/Language Arts, Photography, Reading, Writing, Special Needs, Technology, Social Skills, Art, Grammar
Grades 3 through 12
School: Roosevelt Children's Academy, Roosevelt, NY
Planned By: Kevin Boston-Hill
Original Author: Tracie Wood, Coal City
Students must first be introduced to the genre of reading you wish for them to demonstrate. We used this lesson as a culminating project for a fractured fairy tale unit. Make sure they include dialogue throughout the story. They should have parts for each group member including the narrator.

1. In a group of 4-5, students are assigned a group story writing assignment. Choose a graphic organizer your students are familiar with for narrative writing and follow your normal routine for writing, editing and revision.

2. When the group story has been approved, have the students determine 10-15 important events in the story. They should place a number at the beginning of each sentence that states the important event. (Modify the number of pictures based on the age of your students. This was written based on 5th grade.)

3. When students have had their picture choices approved, they will write the picture number, brief description of what happens in the picture, and list any props they may need. (This will expedite picture day.)

4. Students need to underline dialogue in different colors based on the character that is speaking. They will also underline the parts for the narrator. When they have their parts underlined, they need to read through their story with voice several times.

5. Students will record their story using a program, such as Audacity, to create an MP3 file of their story. Each student should read their assigned dialogue.

6. Once students have their necessary props, schedule "Picture Day," to take the pictures for their story. I let a student from another group provide photography services. Another student served as the organizer for the pictures, based on the list made in direction #3.

7. When all pictures are taken and the story is recorded, students are ready to create their movie on Movie Maker.

8. Put a title on at the beginning of the project including the names of the group members. If you wish to have introduction music, you can add a song and then shorten it to several seconds.

9. Import the MP3 file and the pictures of the story. Drag and drop the MP3 file first.

10. Students will need to stretch the pictures to the correct length to get from one picture to the next, and then add transition effects. This is easiest if you do one picture at a time and adjust the size.

11. When all pictures are added and the students are content with the timing of their video, add a credit slide that tells the voice talents.

12. Students finalize the video for a DVD.

** This activity can be modified for younger students by creating a story as a class.**
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
Can be used to recount historical events or biograpies, using pictures found on the Internet. Make certain students cite their sources for pictures used.
Students can share their stories with younger students.
Materials: Keyboards, Power, Cables, CDs and DVDs, Memory Cards, Batteries, Flash/USB Drives, Projector Screens, Portable, Point and Shoot, Ports and Hubs, LCD Monitors, Mice, Word Processor, Authoring and Publishing, Speech and Language