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Digital Devices in the classroom

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Keywords: Digitial devices in the classroom
Subject(s): Reading, Speech and Language, Writing, Special Needs, Science, Grammar, Technology, Spelling, Social Studies, Math, English/Language Arts
Grades 2 through 12
School: Prichard Preparatory School, Mobile, AL
Planned By: Brooke Hamilton
Original Author: Tina Burton-Crunk, Rio Rancho
By having cell phones accessible in the classroom we open many doors.
I would have a bring your device to school day where students bring an interactive digital device to school such as a smart phone, or tablet with headphones.

1) Prior to devices coming in we would discuss our learning needs (this is similar to goal setting that is done during small group pullout times:
a) Reading (ie phonics, blending, sounding out etc...)
b) writing (ie: handwriting practice, brainstorming)
c) math (place value, multiplication, addition, etc...)
d) Science & Social studies
2)I would send a letter to parents telling them how their child will be visiting the app stores to locate FREE apps in order to study, learn and focus their phone apps. I would also ask for the app spending to be stopped on the students phones just in case they aren't paying attention.
3)Once devices are brought in I would separate students into small groups. This way I can watch, model, and observe search process and success.
4) Within a skill group I would have them go to their app store. Once there we would search for a skill we need to work on. ie phonics:
5) Once we have options open to us we would discuss our needs and the purpose of the apps. I would then show them how to use the ratings, descriptions, price, and pictures/ videos to make good choices. We would then download them and send students off to try the apps at their desks while I pull another group.
(Note: If parents would rather we not download apps, the student will write down the names of
suggested apps for parents to preview and the download.)
6) After the first set has been downloaded I will meet with the first group again and they will search for the next app on their own. To show me they understand the concept of how to find useful apps for themselves that they can utilize and learn from.
7) I will then make sure students know how to place apps on their screen for ready access, device allowing we may also place similar apps into folders for easy choosing.
8) School allowing I would have the devices available to students during free time with the device being used on educational apps.
9) This permission will lead into a discussion of the honor system, of you will only use the device for educational apps, no texting or calling.
10) I would also use the devices to assist students who have trouble sharing their thoughts. They could use the speech to text option or the recorder so they can record themselves thinking and then be able to write what they hear or have another person write what was dictated without the speaker losing their train of thought or having to wait for a convenient moment.
Students will need to bring in devices from home in order to participate and learn of ways to "play" and learn at the same time.
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
This concept will work with all topics
Find more apps and use the apps to test students understanding of concepts.
Materials: Early Learning, Social Studies, Science, Math, English/Language Arts, Headsets, Electronics, ESL, Internet Services, Integrating Technology
Other Items: 26 digital devices from home