Fundraiser:Clay Academy Technology Wishes
0 days left 08/10/2015 0%
Raised Goal: $24000.00
Raised: $0.00 ...Or, join the team and help spread the word! I pads will be a great asset to our campus * Cheaper than the traditional laptop or desktop computer * Offer 10-12 hours of battery life * More portable and lightweight *Easy upkeep and care. No worries about an anti-virus software * Offer high quality educational software and cheap apps *Shared easily with use of a document camera and projector *Short learning cure. Students can learn how to use the laptop almost by themselves *Learning can take place at a student's pace, tailoring the learning for each individual student *Extremely versatile: word processor, internet exploring, camera or video maker, or even a text book Share This Link:
*Transaction fees apply to this amount. Spread The Word: |