Fundraiser:Allen High CSI
0 days left 07/01/2018 0%
Raised Goal: $10000.00
Raised: $0.00 ...Or, join the team and help spread the word! We wish to prepare these students for all future endeavors such as critical problem solving and effective communication. Our goal is to have each student graduate as effective, engaged citizens that can positively contribute to society. We are looking to buy 2 sets of refurbished apple Ipads and secured charging carts for field data gathering and analysis. This is our most inexpensive option we have seen to this point.These Ipads will work with other instruments so that students will have comparative results in their pursuit of scientific inquiry. The quote we have received is $8,000 for two class sets of 30 Ipads and a secure mobile charging station. We would like to thank you for your time. Allen High CSI Share This Link:
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