Fundraiser:Learn on the move!
0 days left 08/01/2018 0%
Raised Goal: $700.00
Raised: $0.00 ...Or, join the team and help spread the word! Share This Link:
*Transaction fees apply to this amount. Spread The Word: Beneficiary: Misty Benz Mt Juliet Christian Academy Why I Teach: I became a teacher because I wanted to help students learn. The longer I teach, that reason begins to change. Do I want my students leaving my classroom with a love of learning? Yes! But I want them to leave my classroom with so much more as well. I want them to learn life skills that have become so obsolete. I want them to know I love them as if they are my own and be that one constant that many children may not have. I have had many former students come to me and thank me for helping them become who they are today. That right there far exceeds any test score, trophy, etc. I teach, because I want to see change. Change for the good. |