Fundraiser:iPads for Biology
0 days left 08/01/2018 0%
Raised Goal: $4158.00
Raised: $25.00 ...Or, join the team and help spread the word! Trying to emphasize critical thinking, communication, collaboration and creativity (4 C's) in my classroom, skills targeted for students of the 21st century. I am hoping to implement a new course that targets the top environmental and biological issues of the 21st Century to help students realize how important the 4 C's are and how developing these skills will allow them to act globally. Share This Link:
*Transaction fees apply to this amount. Spread The Word: Beneficiary: Cathleen Cole Palmetto High School Why I Teach: There is no greater privilege, no greater responsibility than raising the next generation. C. Everrett Koop That is why I teach......and I love passing on the passion of biology! Top Wishes: