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days left
End Date:
Goal: $1374.00
Raised: $25.00
Other Amount
$68.70 - 5% of fundraiser goal
$137.40 - 10% of fundraiser goal
$206.10 - 15% of fundraiser goal
$343.50 - 25% of fundraiser goal
$687.00 - 50% of fundraiser goal
$1374.00 - 100% of fundraiser goal

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With Common Core, students' mathematical understanding and practices need to deepen. Therefore, we need to focus more time on the conceptual understanding. It leaves less time for simple fact practice. These iPod Touches would allow for students to practice their facts at a center when not working with the teacher or practicing problem solving.

Help me get 6 iPod Touches for students to practice their math fact fluency! There are some great apps out there that engage students in learning their facts and I would like to make them available to my students.

Share This Link: http://www.digitalwish.com/dw/digitalwish/view_fundraiser?id=888

Name Donation Visits Generated Comments
Victoria Scholerman $25.00 0
Total Raised: $25.00*    
*Transaction fees apply to this amount.
Spread The Word:
iPods for Fluency
iPods for Fluency
Goal $1,374.00, $25.00 raised

Cassie Huntley
Highland Elementary School

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