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days left
End Date:
Goal: $9700.00
Raised: $0.00
Other Amount
$485.00 - 5% of fundraiser goal
$970.00 - 10% of fundraiser goal
$1455.00 - 15% of fundraiser goal
$2425.00 - 25% of fundraiser goal
$4850.00 - 50% of fundraiser goal
$9700.00 - 100% of fundraiser goal

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Spring Valley Elementary is a Title I school in Durham, North Carolina. Many of these students do not have access to computers or the internet in their everyday environment. We are raising money for iPads that will put technology at their fingertips and give them a tool that will grasp their attention and engage them in a fun and interactive environment conducive to learning.

This classroom set will be shared among 5 Kindergarten classrooms. Since iPads are easy to use and can be navigated with just a touch to get kids to an application, little classroom time is spent on waiting for assistance with computer applications. The iPads will be used to help young children with reading readiness and beginning math skills. Many of the education apps for iPads enable teachers to track each student’s progress easily, giving them more information to help them focus on the skills that students have not yet mastered.

Many of us know that it's the little things in life that make a difference. An iPad in an elementary classroom will be a little thing that makes a big difference

Share This Link: http://www.digitalwish.com/dw/digitalwish/view_fundraiser?id=925

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Classroom set of iPad Minis
Classroom set of iPad Minis
Goal $9,700.00, $0.00 raised

Melody Martin
Spring Valley Elementary

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