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Leo the Lion at School

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Keywords: Class Book
Subject(s): English/Language Arts, Technology, Photography
Grade 1
School: Jefferson Elementary School, Redondo Beach, CA
Planned By: Leticia Dominoe
Original Author: Leticia Dominoe, Redondo Beach
On the first day of school teacher reads book to students about what they will do in the first grade. After the book, students list what things can be done in the first grade around the school. After making the list, students and teacher take a walk around campus snapping pictures witht the lion completing various tasks like drinking water at the water fountain, swinging on the swing, working at the computer, etc. Each student is allowed to take one picture. After school, teacher downloads pictures onto computer for next day.
The next day, students type a simple sentence under their photo such as "Leo the Lion swings on the swing at school."
After teacher checks sentences, the pages are printed and bound in a book. Students have completed their first book as a classroom and are official photographers, writers, and publishers.
Materials: Digital SLR, Word Processor, xD Memory Cards, Flash/USB Drives