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Keywords: performance, technology, music, special needs
Subject(s): Speech and Language, Music, Special Needs, Autism, Technology, Social Skills
Grades 9 through 12
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
  • Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards
School: Jeffersonville High School, Jeffersonvlle, IN
Planned By: Donna VanHook
Original Author: Donna VanHok, Jeffersonvlle
1. Students will be exposed to a variety of instruments using the internet and use of whiteboard activities to determine likes/dislikes of types of musical instruments.

2. Students will choose individual instruments from a variety of instrument apps on an iPod or iPad.

3. Students will play their chosen instrument and learn how that instrument operates.

4. Students will choose instruments to include in their iBand from other students in the classroom.

5. Students will work cooperatively in small groups of 2 or 3 to compose a short musical selection that they will later demonstrate to the class as a whole.

6. Students may change iBands, instruments or devices to make new compositions.

7. Students will perform selections to the entire class and the remainder of the class will critique the iBand using rubrics developed by the class.
The iTunes card would be used to purchase the following apps:
Bongos .99; iBand tribal percussion .99; keys for iPad 1.99; dulcimer HD 1.99; pianos 2.99;
garage band 4.99; iBone 3.99; guitar 9.99; harp 2.99; infinite kalimba 2.99; Ukelele .99;
xylophone .99; iChime HD .99; air harp .99; harmonica HD .99; accordian for iPad 3.99
banjo HD .99; percussions 3.99; wind chimeSS 1.99; bottle music 2.99; handbells .99;
instruments .99; cowbell .99; trumpet .99; flute .99; bass HD 1.99; washboard .99;
saxonotes HD 1.99; iMaracas .99; iBand .99; clarinet HD .99; violin HD .99;
bluegrass banjo 3.99; Magic Piano HD .99; Ocarina .99; magic fiddle .99;

Cross-Curriculum Ideas
These activities could be used for writing descriptions of music, how it makes them feel when they hear the different bands, writing the critiques as well as counting time for math areas.
Followup activities might include research as to where instruments were made, how they developed, and who developed them. Students could also research how instruments have changed through time from instrument to the technology they used.
Links: school iBand on youtube
Link to iBand on youtube
Materials: Sound Libraries
Other Items: 1 iTunes card (to purchase music apps), $80 each, total of $80.00
5 Apple iPads, $499 each, total of $2495.00