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Disstillation of Coffee - Laboratory and Writing - "A Science Paper"

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Keywords: Disstilling, Science paper writing, SCIENCE
Subject(s): Health and PE, Social Skills, Technology, Life Science, Writing, Information Skills, Biology, Business, Algebra, Photography, Spelling, Grammar, Science, Math, Speech and Language, Chemistry, History
Grades 8 through 12
School: Hale High School, Tulsa, OK
Planned By: John Hinkle
Original Author: John Hinkle, Tulsa
The Laboratory is simple if you have several disstillation tubes, hosing, hot plates, and ring stands with clamps.

Aquire the needed equipment, and coffee. Assemble the disstillation apparatus, pour coffee in to the round bottom disstillation flask,
Coffee and beaker: Mass (g)
Beaker Empty Mass (g)
Round bottom flask empty Mass(g)
Water Catch Flask empty Mass(g)
From the gathered coffee,(405 ml, mix the coffee sample then pipet 5 ml and preform a spectrophomoter at 720nm, 580nm, and 420nm, record absortion concentration
Recored obsevation about the coffee. (This is expresso strenght, and safe to taste)
Transfer the remaining coffee to the round bottom fask
Disstill coffee at a constant temp. IE set the hot plates to a setting which will allow the formation of vapor with very little boiling.
When coffee in round bottom flask is dry (can be thick slury), turn on hot plate and allow disstilling to contiue until vapor stops.

Following a cooling time for the round bottom flask and water catch flask, disassemble the disstilling unit, and wash all except the round bottom flask and the water catch flask. Following wash, place on drying table, and re-store ring stands and clamps.

Measure and Record all new Masses:
Mass of 405 ml of coffee (g)
Round bottom flask with dehydrated coffee (g)
Water Catch Flask filled with water (g)

Calculate the Densities of the Coffee, dehydrated coffee, and recovered water
Measure the volume of water recoved
Measure the absorbtion at same wavelenghts as previously.
Record observations about the coffee water and dehydrated coffee
When all imformation that can be gathered, wash the two flask and place on drying table.
Photograph the disstilling of your coffee, the more the better, you can't edit what you don't have.
Analysis of Data:
1) The Mass of 400 ml of coffee
2) The mass of the dehydrated coffee
3) The mass of the disstlled water
4) The mass of Equal Volume of class room disstilled tap water
5) Difference between 3 and 4
6) Absorbtion of Coffee
7) Absorbtion of Water
8) Absorbtion of Control (0%)
Make charts, and graphs depicting all the information gathered
Write a Minimum 6 page Science paper
Include in paper (1) Title page - date- lab name and number - your name; (2) Introduction with a two paragraph history of class room disstilling, reference sorces, and your perdidction and hypothesis; (3) Procedures and materials - Explain the laboratory in 3rd person single; (4) Analysis - using all aquired information from the laboratories data, apply and explain your findings; (5) Conclusion and referances, was your prediction and hypothysis correct or incorrect. Also list all referances.
This is an extesive process, that if began in the middle schools, which teacher directions through the process, and then repeated in high school with less direction, untill when the student is in Chemistry AP, a problem can be posed ..."determine the procedure for finding the density of Dehydrated Coffee".
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
Math: use of Algebra teacher to assist duing the data anaysis phase, and showing the applications of Algebra durning the anaysis phase, using a "liner equation"
English: The correct procedure for writing and using referances within that writing
footnoting, puctuation, and writing in third person single.
Technology use of computers, and software to research, compile, and complete the scientific project.
This is an extensive process, several weeks can be used during the write and rewrite of the paper, and should be broken up throughout the year with all but AP Students.
Materials: Mobile Labs, Point and Shoot, Scientific, Printers, Batteries, Flash/USB Drives, Writing, Middle, High, ESL, Spreadsheet
Other Items: 12 Hot Plates, $30.00 each, total of $360.00
6 Digital balances (1000 grams - 0.1gram), $250.00 each, total of $1500.00
3 Lytex tubing - 50 foot rolls heavy wall 1/4" Inner Diameter, $40.00 each, total of $120.00
Graph Maker, $100.00 each