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PND Culture

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Keywords: Flip Video, school culture, media, mixed media, technology, movies, student movies, co-curricular, educational technology, movie editing, storyboarding
Subject(s): Video, Technology, Podcasting, Writing, Animation, Music, Information Skills, Photography, Spelling, Grammar, Journalism, Speech and Language
Grades 9 through 10
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Research and Information Fluency
  • Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
  • Digital Citizenship
  • Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards
School: Peoria Notre Dame High School, Peoria, IL
Planned By: Jennifer Perino
Original Author: Jennifer Perino, Peoria
Team Project
PND Culture
1. Take the True Colors Personality test and email your instructor your top two dominant "colors." In that email, also provide at least 3 other students' names with whom you'd like to work. Before you choose a purely "social" group, take into account what you learned about your fellow classmates and yourself in the True Colors Assessment. Think about what group would work best together.
*Taking into consideration student requests and True Colors information, the teacher will assign groups of 4.

2. Meet with your group and assign roles: Project-Manager, Researcher, Documentation Specialist, Media Conversion Specialist/Editor, Other(as designed and approved by instructor).

3. Meet with your group and choose a class, club, or sport about which to create your movie. (Examples: French I, Old Testament, Women's Soccer, Drama Club, Scholastic Team, the House System, etc.)

4. Email the instructor your team's choice.

5. Begin storyboarding your movie in a GoogleDocs presentation and share it to the instructor. Be sure to have a thoughtfully organized plan, interview questions ready, and sample images and song ideas.

6. Class Critiques will take place to add clarity and perspective to all projects.

7. Begin creating your PND Culture movies using still images and original video. (FLIP video cameras are available). Use your storyboard and make any modifications as the movie progresses. Your team's Media Specialist/Editor will put your movie together using iMovie. Export your movie in the medium format and iChat to instructor as TeamName-PNDCulture.

8. When you are finished, upload your video to YouTube and email the link to the instructor; these movies will be streamed onto the school's website before In-Coming Freshmen Registration to aid our prospective students in choosing classes and activities.

9. After your project is turned in, you will complete a Collaboration Rubric and grade the other members of your team on their effectiveness as team members. This is private and will not be shared with anyone but the instructor.

10. Make sure your movie meets/exceeds the following:
-The movie works to highlight positive school culture
-The movie is appropriately focused, an informational video, not recruitment-based.
-Video is shot by PND Team student camera crew.
-Other video is imported to enhance the message of the video.
-Enough visuals are present to enhance the look and explanations of the topic.
-A quality audio track is present,
-interviews can be heard easily in video footage
-outside noise is reduced
-appropriate music is chosen to enhance the movie
-Titles are present at the beginning to introduce the topic and at the end to inform the audience on documentation.
Team incorporated enhanced features that include one of the following:
-quick time
-green screen
-Appropriate transitions are present between every “section” of the video to smooth out jumps in video footage, still images, etc.
-The visuals, audio, video, and transitions work to make an impact: appealing and coherent end product.
The students will be using, but not limited to: GarageBand, iMovie, GoogleDocs, FLIP video cameras, PhotoBooth, email, YouTube, time management skills, communication/interview skills, organizational skills, oral and written language skills, documentation skills.
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
Movies of this kind could be used for any class.
Watch the GoogleAnalytics page for the website to see which movies are the most popular by the virtue of site traffic.
Links: Link to YouTube
Materials: Flip Video, Portable, Digital Voice Recorders, Video Tools, Hard Drives, Word Processor, Podcasting
Other Items: 1 MacBook - OSX using the iLife Suite: GarageBand & iMovie, etc.