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MAD Learn - App Development

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Keywords: App Development - MAD Learn
Subject(s): Information Skills, Biology, Art, Business, Photography, Robotics, Civics, Social Studies, Health and PE, Video, Animation, Social Skills, Home Economics, Spelling, Technology, Autism, Geography, Early Learning, Service Learning, Chemistry, Grammar, Dyslexia, Podcasting, Science, Journalism, Life Science, Special Needs, Writing, Drama, History, Music, Earth Science, Speech and Language, Foreign Language, Reading, Physics, Math, English/Language Arts
Grades K through 5
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Research and Information Fluency
  • Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
  • Digital Citizenship
  • Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards
School: Dunaire Elementary School, Stone Mtn, GA
Planned By: Portia Dhanasekaran
Original Author: Portia Dhanasekaran, Stone Mtn
Disclaimer: This lesson plan is the recommended plan that is provided in the MAD Learn app. I will use the same plan to help my students to be a producers for the larger audience. So, I don't own this lesson plan, but this is the suggested plan to use it for my students.

Learning Targets:

Students will learn:
1. the different types of mobile apps and its functions;
2. how to brainstorm ideas;
3. the different features that needed for the app to be marketable;
4. how to log in to the MAD-learn platform and the Dashboard elements;
5. about opportunities to share student apps with a wide audience.

1. Ideate Phase Introduction (Secondary)
2. “Brainstorming Chart” file
3. Online Teaching Activity Index article: “Brainstorming”
4. “Brainstorming” rubric
5. Ideate Phase Tutorial

1. Using the Ideate Phase Introduction, students are introduced to “Our Mobile World” and understand this technology's impact in today’s world.
2. The concept of “ideation” is introduced, focused on the assertion that this element of both traditional and social versions of entrepreneurship.
3. Students are introduced to and consider important questions to consider related to the development of an informational app.
4. Using the “Brainstorming” chart for the whole class to view (via interactive whiteboard or other means),
students participate in a brainstorming session to build a list of potential app topics.
5. Students use the completed chart to consider two or three candidates for their own app development project.
Note—Student selections do NOT have to come from the list created in class, but submissions must include a title, general overview, and reasoning for each topic selected.
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
Students will create study apps to help other 3rd graders study across for their academic learning.
Students will plan, design, build, test, and launch the app for the larger community to benefit.
Materials: Mobile Labs, Elementary, Art Tools, Video Tools, Flash/USB Drives, LCD Monitors, Keyboards, Headsets, Mice, Bags and Cases, Reading, Literacy, Writing, Social Studies, Early Learning, ESL, Games, Office Suite, Word Processor, Spreadsheet, Database, Web Page, Slideshow, Clip Art, Worksheets, Timeline, Screen Capture, Animation, Student Resources, Assessment, Autism, Cause and Effect, Switch Software, Dyslexia, Speech and Language, Hardware Devices